Add a review of the Holocaust Memorial Memorial Museum

Undoubtedly, Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center (Memorial Museum of Holocaust Remembrance and the Education Center) is worthy to be mentioned . It is worth noting that, despite the museum name, the concept of the museum is by no means confined to to preserve the memory of the victims of the brutal genocide by means of the memorial . The role of the museum is also great in the promotion of tolerance, as well as in the fight against racism and anti-Semitism . In the memorial museum guests are given the opportunity to visit the grandiose th exhibition hall with constantly changing exposition . Moreover, visitors are invited to view the thematic documentary .

Memorial Museum of Holocaust Remembrance and Education Center

Address: Maitland, N Maitland Ave, 851.

Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 16:00, Friday: 9:00 - 13:00, Saturday: 13:00 - 16:00.

Free entrance.

Information is indicated on June 6, 2014