Add a review about the African American Museum in Philadelphia

The Blacks' path to equality on American soil was long and not easy . However, difficulties did not prevent the formation of a national African-American heritage . The African American Museum is one of the first museums created by the municipality of America . @ In four large galleries there are many expositions telling about the history of the emergence and development of the African diaspora in the USA, the most interesting facts about the life of African Americans: about their way of life and creativity, about the struggle for gr civic rights and religion, culture and traditions . In the African American Museum guests are invited to study photos and artifacts, listen to lectures and see thematic films . In addition, Lens Legasi recently launched the project: now the museum is played by black singers , writers, artists and even politicians . After the presentation, anyone can ask any question to the famous African-Americans .

African American Museum in Philadelphia

Address: Philadelphia, Arch Street, 701.

Opening Hours: Thursday - Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday: 12:00 - 17:00. Day off: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Entrance: The cost of the full ticket is 14 USD. For visitors from 4 to 12 10 USD.

Information is indicated on June 6, 2014

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Interior, African American Museum in Phil Delphi
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