A quiet town of carefully preserved medieval architecture - Shrewsbury (Shrewsbery), is located in the central part of England in Shropshire, on the Severn River. Historical sights, wooden asymmetric houses of the 14th century, a lot of carefully manicured gardens and parks - in Shrewsbury each tourist will find something special for himself!

Shrewsbury was born the founder of the theory of evolution - naturalist Charles Darwin, whose monument is set in the square in front of the city library
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How get

from London can be reached by train in 3 hours, the journey will take about 1 hour from Birmingham (nearest major city).

Search for air tickets to London (nearest Shrewsbury airport)


Average monthly temperatures in summer / winter are +16 ° C / + 5 ° C.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Shrewsbury

Benedictine Abbey of Shrewsbury was founded in the 11th century and is a perfectly preserved example of the Romanesque style of the Norman architecture ktury. A much younger church built in the 18th century. Maria is also interesting for inspection. Like many churches in England, this church is a meeting place for citizens, charity events and fairs. The most impressive temple in the city is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury

Stunning and formidable Shrewsbury Castle, built in the 11th century at the same time as the abbey for the purpose of defense from the enemy. Today the Shropshire Regimental Museum is located here. Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday, open from February to December

The exposition of the Shrewsbury Archaeological Museum presents many interesting artifacts from the history of the city and its environs - from the oldest (for example, the mirror of the 2nd century) to the newest.

Video Tour by Shrewsbury
The museum in the future plans to include in the permanent exhibition the famous find of a local resident - a treasure of 10 thousand Roman coins, dating from 320-340 years. Since the treasure was found in 2009 near Shrewsbury, it was renowned in the archaeological world community as a treasure from Shrewsbury.

The museum's work schedule: Tuesday to Saturday from October to March, every day from June to September.

Admire rare plant species in Quest Park, in the Dingle garden. It is worth a stroll along the English and Welsh bridges. By the way, the latter will lead you straight to the modern, somewhat futuristic building of the Severn Theater, where not only theater performances, but also concerts and music festivals.