The Canary Islands is a place on the earth where, under the influence of the tropical trade winds, a tender union of late spring and early summer lives all year round . Warm air, luxurious nature and comfortable ocean - the main attractions of the archipelago . There are never rainy and low seasons on Canaries temperatures, and therefore we can say that the majestic Atlantic Ocean is washed by a kind of unique family of islands . And special attention among them deserves nicknamed "continents in miniature" of Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma and .

Mountain ridges cut each of these islands into two climatic zones: southern and northern . The main tourist centers of the amazing Canary mini-continents concentrated in the south, where 350 days a year the weather is clear . Favorite tourists the southern parts of Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma are in a privileged position: from strong winds and unwanted precipitation they are protected by mountain ranges, and from the exhausting heat and drought, which generously share the generous neighbor Africa, save blowing from the north- east cool and damp pas sates . The north of the three most popular islands of the Canary archipelago boasts lush vegetation, relatively rainy winters and a windy paradise for surfers and yachtsmen .

Eastern islands, including Fuerteventura, due to close neighborhood with the African desert Sahara, are more arid compared to their western Canarian brothers. However, in general, the climate in the east of the archipelago is quite comfortable and has a pleasant rest.

Seasonal temperature fluctuations in the Canary Islands average no more than +8 ° C, and the temperature difference on the islands of the archipelago does not exceed +5 ° C. For example, the columns of thermometers in Gran Canaria usually show a + 1-2 ° C higher than in Tenerife
 Weather in the Canary Islands
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Tourists going to the famous Spanish islands in the beginning year, are doomed to the fact that for them Christmas miracles will not stop throughout the vacation. January sun of the Canary Islands can magically gift tourists with a truly magnificent bronze tan, and the winter mountains of the archipelago are fabulous snowy impressions. This is not a miracle ... In the morning - a beach, in the afternoon - a walk along the snow-covered slope, and in the evening - dinner in a cozy restaurant.

Average air temperature during the day +23 ° C, in the evening +19 ° C, water temperature +20 ° C

@ Such a winter in Gran Canaria


Behind two long winter months. It's time to take care of your health, and not somewhere, but in the most that is on a paradise corner of the planet - on one of the islands of the Canary archipelago. Departing from the Russian winter in the climatic summer of February Canary, do not be afraid of a sharp temperature change - painful acclimatization is unlikely. On the contrary, the friendly air of the islands will quickly fill the body with exhausted energy, energy and health

Average air temperature during the day +23 ° C, in the evening +19 ° C, water temperature +20 ° C


Best gift to the Eighth March is a journey into a romantic fairy tale that can certainly be found on the islands of the Canary archipelago . The weather in March, however, as always on the Canary Islands, is excellent: the sun and the ocean are traditionally friendly . In the mountains with the onset of spring from snow falling in the winter months, there is no trace . However, it happens that on The tip of the Teide volcano is snowing until May . In this case, for walking on the picturesque slopes of the island of Tenerife even in the spring clothes may be needed, somewhat warmer than the beach option .

The average air temperature in the daytime is +24 ° C, in the evening +20 ° C, water temperature +20 ° C.


April - time of discounts. Airlines arrange holidays for travelers and are ready to brag to the chic beaches of the Canary Islands at a very low cost. And this despite the fact that the Canar thermometers start to show at 1-2oC higher in April than in the previous month. Thus, in April, the resorts of the Canary archipelago become more attractive for frozen Russian tourists.

Average air temperature in the daytime +25 ° C, in the evening +21 ° C, water temperature +21 ° C.


If May holidays did not have their history, then we would say that they were created specifically for travel to the Canary Islands. The May holiday in the Canaries is a great opportunity not to fall prey to a blossoming lilac and inhale a full batch of curative air before a debilitating native summer.

The average daytime air temperature is +26 ° C, in the evening + 22 ° C, the water temperature is +21 ° C.

Sunny Island Tenerife


June is the last month of a calm and measured holiday in the Canary Islands. The peak of tourism in these fabulous places will begin in July, when a huge number of guests from all over the world will rush to the white sand and warm ocean. At the beginning of summer the weather at the resorts of the archipelago is ideal for an impeccable sunbath. By the way, creams and other products from burns in the Canary Islands are useless, because the local sun is not dangerous at all

The average air temperature in the daytime is +28 ° C, in the evening + 25 ° C, the water temperature is +23 ° C.


In the middle of the hottest time of the year - in July, the Canary Islands continue to honestly uphold the title of the spring archipelago. Even on the island of Fuerteventura, famous for its sand dunes, the formation of which contributed to the breath of the Sahara desert, there is no African heat. The underwater currents of the ocean cool the air so that there is simply no obstacle for comfortable rest.

Average air temperature during the day +29 ° C, in the evening +27 ° C, water temperature +23 ° C.


Highest temperatures in the Canary Islands, above +30 ° C, fall in August. Nevertheless, the August heat of Canar is not in any comparison with the pronounced aridity of Turkey, Greece and other southern countries. The Canary archipelago is unique in its comfortable climate, which tourists appreciate even at the height of summer.

Average air temperature in the daytime +31 ° C, in the evening +27 ° C, water temperature +24 ° C.


In the very beginning of the autumn the weather in the Canary Islands is practically no different from the one that spoiled tourists during the summer. Closer to the middle of September, the thermometer bars modestly drop by 2-3 divisions. Nevertheless, light T-shirts, shorts and slates still remain constant companions of September holidayers. To the joy of white beauties and people in elegant age, the sun begins to work in a gentle mode with the arrival of autumn

The average air temperature in the daytime is +27 ° C, in the evening +25 ° C, the water temperature is +23 ° C

Picturesque Lanzarote


The warm sun, which reigns all year round on the islands of the Canary archipelago, is able not only to prolong the summer mood, but also to energize for a long time. Despite the fact that the calendar is the second month of autumn, the Canary Islands are still dominated by summer. On October evenings, air and water temperatures are practically the same.

Average daytime temperature +26 ° C, in the evening + 24 ° C, water temperature + 24 ° C


November in the Canary Islands - the time of late, but not lost tourists. The weather favors a comfortable rest. The temperature difference between water and air, at 1-2 ° C, is not felt. Leaving somewhere far from the vanities of their native places, the November holidaymakers enjoy sweet sunshine all day long, and in the evening they meet the sunset under the incredible noise of the surf.

The average temperature in the daytime is +24 ° C, in the evening + 22 ° C, the water temperature + 23 ° C


Winter in the Canary Islands in just an hour you can swim in the ocean, sunbathe and walk on fresh snow. Going to the Canaries in December, certainly worth highlighting in the luggage space for several warm things. On the islands in winter everything turns upside down: the closer to the sun, the colder. So walk in the mountains are possible only in the company of a jacket or warming drinks

Average temperature in the daytime is +23 ° C, in the evening +20 ° C, water temperature + 21 ° C