One of the largest Spanish islands from the Canary archipelago - Tenerife, is so unique that it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. After all, on a piece of land in the Atlantic Ocean with an area of ​​just over two thousand square kilometers, the mountains, the frozen Teide volcano with the adjacent desert territory, as well as tropical gardens and palm groves are located.

But most of all Tenerife is attractive for its climate. The north of the island is buried in a lush tropical greenery, which contributes incredibly high humidity. But the southern coast, protected from damp air masses and cold winds by a chain of mountain peaks, is always generously illuminated by the gentle sun - the beach season here lasts three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

The whole point is that in winter the air is heated by passing near the coast Tenerife warm currents, whereas in the summer coolness is given to the trade winds.

Therefore, even in summer, the thermometer column rarely rises above the +28 ° C mark, in winter the air warms up to +20 ° C. While the temperature of coastal waters is kept around the year around the mark of +21 ° C. Based on observations of specialists from the NASA space agency, the climatic conditions on this island are recognized as one of the most favorable on the entire globe. Moreover, the minimum annual mean amplitude of temperatures on the planet is fixed here, which means that the change of seasons in Tenerife is practically not perceptible.

Whenever you decide to go to this island of eternal spring, you will always have good weather, too hot, cold and also there are no rainy seasons. In the winter months, there are no more than seven rainy days on the island, and there are almost no precipitation in the summer.

 Weather in Tenerife
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Nature Tenerife


Summer months are traditionally the warmest, from the beginning of June on the southern coast of the island is established steadily sunny weather without rain, the air warms from +25 ° C in the first summer month to +28 ° C in July and August, and at this time the water in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the island reaches a temperature of +24 -26 ° С. The average daily temperature amplitude is insignificant and is about 3-5 degrees


The weather forecast in Tenerife in the autumn months can please beach lovers even more than in the summer months, because the air temperature in September-November remains unchanged and is + 27-28 ° C, while the water temperature rises another 2-3 degrees and reaches a mark of +25 ° C. In November, however, it becomes somewhat cooler, the thermometer does not rise above +24 ° C.


Winter holidays in Tenerife will be ideal for those who want to spend the New Year holidays without snow and frost. From December to February, the weather in Tenerife continues to be very comfortable for rest, the air temperature is +19 ° C, and on the south coast - all +22 ° C. Not lower and the water temperature is +20 ... +22 ° С. Sometimes precipitation in the form of rains may occur, which, however, is always short-lived. This period is comfortable both for excursions and for a beach holiday


Approximately the same weather conditions will await you on the island and in March. But since April the weather in Tenerife is beginning to change, the thermometer shows stable +22 ... +25 ° С. Water warms up to +20 ... +22 ° С. Spring in Tenerife is a time of a kind of opening of a new holiday season (which, in principle, did not stop).

Climate Tenerife

But we need to understand that this is a fairly generalized characteristic of the weather conditions on the island, because the temperature regime in its different parts may differ significantly (the difference may be more than seven degrees). So, for example, in the winter in the capital of Tenerife - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - the thermometer shows +15 ° C, while in the southern resorts the air warms up to + 24 ° C.

Therefore, if you want to go with a hike in the mountains or visit the north of the island, you must definitely bring a couple of warm things with you.

In general, there are about thirty microclimatic zones in Tenerife, which is facilitated by several factors: variety of relief, warm trade-winds blowing from the southeast, high anticyclone area area of ​​the nearby Azores arch hipelaga, cold canary currents, as well as sufficient remoteness from the continent. Therefore, it is always dry and sunny on the south and west of the island, while the northern coast meets you with the same coolness, and at the top of the mountains you can even see the snow.

The climate in Tenerife is very mild and suited exclusively for everyone, people of all ages will feel comfortable here. And for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, even recommend a rest at this resort, where there are no differences in atmospheric pressure, or sudden changes in temperatures, and besides, the coast is covered with sand of volcanic origin, which, as is known, has a number of medicinal properties.