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The collections of the Museum of Zoology (Muséum de Zoologie) have their origins since 1834 and number more than 3 thousand exhibits. In addition to anatomical preparations, stuffed animals and alcohol-bound specimens, the museum has a large collection of insects, in particular lepidopterans and coleopterans from around the world. In the museum you can see several skeletons of large mammals: elephants, camels, giraffes, hippos, buffaloes, deer and horses. Part of the collection illustrates the evolution of reptiles, primates and cetaceans

Address: Ixelles, Avenue F. Roosevelt, 50, ULB - Campus du Solbosh

Work time: on odd weeks: on Monday and Tuesday: 13:00 - 16 : 00, Wednesday: 13:00 - 17:00.

Entrance: free of charge.

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