Yongpyong Resort ("Dragon Valley"), located in an ecologically clean area at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, is known among snowboarding enthusiasts. The list of elements of the local "Dragon Park" will make eagerly jump up every real "dosoknik": half pipe, quater-pipe, rap, table top, spine, wave, rayl-slider ...

The resort has the longest ski slope in the country - Rainbow Paradise (5600 m). In total, there are 18 slopes of varying complexity, including four trails for beginners

The Dragon Valley I, Dragon Valley II and Yongpyong hostel are open at the resort
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How to get to Yongphen

Flight to Seoul, then the bus from the eastern terminal of the Dong Seoul Bus Terminal to Hong, then the free shuttle bus to the resort.

Search for air tickets to the city of Seoul (the nearest airport to Yongpheng)

Entertainment, sightseeing and attractions

Gondola- swimming pool, fitness center, sauna, bowling, karaoke, night club, restaurants of Korean and European cuisine, racetrack. Every year, the Festival of Ski Fun and Snow is held in Yongpyong. Nearby are the Museum of Gramophone Chamsori and Edison, the Odessan National Park and the churches of Volcheons and Sanuons.