Add a review about the tract Barsova Gora

The most important object of the archaeological heritage of the country is the tract of Barsova Gora is a unique complex of monuments of ancient settlements . There are more than three thousand . ancient buildings, including 60 with more settlements, burial places and sanctuaries . This is an amazing strip of monuments more than eight kilometers long . The strip is located at one of the highest points in the surrounding lowland Siberian landscape . The oldest archaeological sites in this cluster are already seven thousand years . years, they are dated neo lit . From the "young" monuments of the complex there are ethnographic monuments of the beginning of the 20th century, including hunting settlements . The nature of the archaeological complex is also unique: here you can see rare plants that are under threat, including relic and endemic . In 2012 . Barsova Gora was granted the status of a cultural heritage site of regional significance . Today the work is underway to create a nature reserve in the reserve .

Barsova Gora is a unique monument to Russia with such a concentration of artifacts, .

The amazing feature of the Barsova Gora tract is that almost all periods of human history and all the cultures that have ever inhabited the taiga of the Ob region, from the very first people, are reflected here. This is a unique monument for Russia with such a concentration of artifacts, like there are no such in the country.

There are more than 30 prehistoric sites in the tract . Here you can see the burial ground, which is about seven thousand .(a period of the Stone Age), several Bronze Age villages (four thousand years . years), as well as monuments of three cultures of the Early Iron Age (beginning from the 7th century to . e .) . This period is represented approximately hundreds of settlements and 40 settlements of ancient settlement . From them remained, in particular, bastions . Also on Barsova Gora there are two cemeteries and a sanctuary of Kulaysk culture that flourished at the turn of the old and new era . Another 20 settlements, sanctuaries and treasures belong to the medieval period from the 4th century to the 16th century .

Archaeological excavations, which were held at Barsova Gora, enriched mankind with thousands of finds . These artifacts can now be seen in the Petersburg Hermitage, in the museums of Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Perm and even Western European countries . These are examples of artistic bronze casting, sculptural images of heroes of the Ob-Ugrian epic , amazing silver jewelry that was not made here, but got here from abroad, even from Byzantium, and later were hidden in underground treasures . The finds of Barsova Gora became the base for a huge number of sciences GOVERNMENTAL works .

Archaeological sites Mountains Barsova remarkably well preserved. This makes it possible to expect that the plan for the creation of a reserve or an archaeological park at this place, developed since the 1980s, will nevertheless be implemented.

On the eastern side, the tract is bounded by the Bartseva River. According to legend, Ostyatsky prince Bartz (Bars) rushed to its channel, Utoplyu, after it was defeated by Cossacks. According to his name, the river, the natural boundary and the nearby settlement were named.

Until very recently, Barsova Gora was a sacred place for the Khanty people. The last rituals of sacrifice were made here in the 1970s. Until now, according to folk legends, the ancient sacred larch grows near the village of Barsovo

Practical information

The tract lies to the west of the village of Barsovo, located about 20 km from Surgut. You can get here by Tyumen highway or along the route Nefteyugansk-Surgut, which passes through the bridge across the Ob River directly behind the tract.