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Surgutsky Big Ben is the building of the city school for the study of foreign languages ​​. The school itself opened in the city in 1997 ., and the original and beautiful building it received in 2004 . In fact, this building does not exactly copy the famous London building, but the reference to it is more than obvious . Big Ben was built just a year, and when it was created, a new technology was used: the outer walls were made of " Besser "- a material that outwardly resembles the so-called wild stone, is original the building blocks of the Gothic period . Originally the tower of Big Ben was planned to make a six-storey, but during construction it was decided to add one more . On the tower adorn the watches made in the UK and covered with real gold leaf; they are three times smaller than the original Big Ben, but they seem to look exactly like .

In fact, this building does not exactly copy the famous London building, but the reference to it is more than obvious.

In addition to the main tower on the outer wall of the building, spiky little pinnacles were lined up in a row. In the evening illumination, all this looks very attractive.

The interior of Big Ben deserves attention not less than the exterior . What are the wonderful detailed stained glass windows with gothic lancet arches, angels, knights and coats of arms . Stained-glass windows were specially made created and transported here from Ekaterinburg . In total there are 20 classrooms, big hall, an audience of 150 people, where concerts and theatrical performances take place in Big Ben. . The walls and floors are entirely lined with natural polished stone, stakes and stair rails are decorated with wrought iron gratings .

The main tower of Big Ben is decorated with sculptures of angels with pipes symbolizing the call for knowledge
Surgutsky Big Ben, shooting from the quadrocopter

Despite the fact that , to be honest, the Surgut building is a fairly "free fantasy" on the theme of Big Ben in London, it is still considered the closest to the original copy. In no other country in the world is anything more like the legendary British landmark.

And on the first floor of Big Ben is one of the most popular city cafe-bars in English. It's not to say that the spirit of good old England reigned, but the walls mimic the brickwork, and massive chairs are cut from the tree.

Address: Surgut, ul. Ostrovsky, 8.