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Shishkinsky ponds - favorite place of rest for the residents of Yelabuga. And tourists will certainly be brought here during a city tour. In its essence, Shishkinsky ponds are a vast area on the picturesque shore of the Toima River, a whole park with water reservoirs and fountains, paths and bridges, benches and gazebos. This is not a wild park, it is ennobled, carefully looked after, carefully arranged, cleaned up.

Yelabuga regularly hosts various ceremonial events here. But it is best to go to Shishkinsky ponds during the Spassky Fair - the annual All-Russian exhibition of folk craftsmen. At this time, there is real fun here, and for several days at the fair are exhibited and sold products of decorative and artistic creativity, master classes are held, as well as various performances and performances of artists.

Shishkinsky ponds regularly hold various city holidays and solemn events, but it is best to go here during a fun and colorful Spassky fair.

Shishkinsky ponds are considered one of Elabuga's most beautiful sights. The territory of the park zone combines three monuments - both landscape and historical. This is a picturesque promenade for walks of the Staheev dynasty, a small square named after Ushakov and the Shishkin family - all of them are united under the same name Shishkinsky ponds.

They are called so by no coincidence, they were founded by Ivan Vasilyevich Shishkin - the father of the great Russian artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, who loved drawing nature of native forests. Ivan Vasilievich was a merchant, while doing a lot for his hometown of Yelabuga. He was a member of the city council, held office in office and was twice elected head of the city. On its own funds, the city was actively improving, paying much attention to saving its historical past.

He was engaged in historical research and archaeological excavations, restoration of ancient monuments and even wrote a book "History of the city of Elabuga."

He also deserves credit the discovery of Ananyinsky burial ground - an ancient burial that laid the foundation for a new turn in the history and term "Ananyinskaya culture". Among other things, he took care of the leisure of citizens, having arranged in the 30s. 19th century area on the shore of Toyma under the recreation area

Shishkinsky ponds

In the times of the Soviet Union this territory was abandoned and turned into a wild uninhabited place - meadows overgrown with tall grass. Shishkinskie ponds began to ennoble only in the late 2000s, and more specifically - to the 1000th anniversary of Elabuga (2007). They cleared the reservoirs again, arranged flowerbeds and paths, set up benches and gazebos, and conducted lighting. Today it is a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of Elabuga.

Practical information

It's easy to get to Shishkinsky ponds - the territory of this recreational zone is located on Naberezhnaya street. Any sightseeing tour of Yelabuga does not bypass its attention to this natural attraction. Entrance to the territory is free

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Elabuga, ul. Embankment.