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Saima Park (sometimes called the "Behind Saima" park) - one of the most beloved of the inhabitants of Surgut . It is in the fork of the river of the same name, and this is the best place in the city for skiing in winter on skis , and in the summer - on rollers and bicycles . The park has several exits to the city and is a rather dense forest with pine trees, paths and lanterns . One of the favorite attractions of the Saima Park is the squirrels that are found here in abundance and joyfully allow you to feed yourself with hands . There are in the park and sports site . And on the shore of Saima every year you can see sunbathing and even bathing townspeople (in general, it is forbidden to swim in the river, as well as organize picnics next to it) .

In the north-eastern part of the park there is a small botanical a garden with rare trees and shrubs. And on the beach it is planned to arrange a mini zoo for young naturalists in the near future.

One of the favorite attractions of Saima Park is the squirrels, which are found here in abundance and joyfully allow you to feed yourself.

Park is in the very center Surgut. From the north it adjoins the University street, from the east - to the Proletarian Avenue, and from the other two sides it is bounded by the river's branches. The total area of ​​the park is more than 60 hectares

In 2001, an automobile overpass was planned to be built through the park, but the citizens were indignant, and the project was revised in 2009.

In addition, this park is also a great place for children: here there is a small amusement park and a playground. On the eco-route "On a visit to the lesovitch" there is a mini-train "Merry Rainbow" for preschool children. Wooden sculptures are installed at the "stations"

Saima Park

A floating fountain was built in the center of the reservoir in the park in 2003. The pontoon, on which he stands, moves along a certain route, and the fountain itself is highlighted and "sings". It takes place in the evenings, from 18:00 and until 24:00, on weekends and on holidays.