Add a review about the monuments to Tambovski wolf

Monuments of Tambov wolf are now adorned immediately in two places - on Rasskazovsky highway at the entrance to the city from Penza and on the territory of the Hotel. The wooden figure of the wolf, sitting in front of the forest at the entrance to the city, was installed in 2008 with a pedestal. At the paws of the gray cut inscription: "Tambov wolf - a reliable companion." According to the testimony of its author, sculptor V. Paramonov, the figure of the Tambov wolf is carved from the trunk of a huge bicentennial oak and weighs more than a ton.

This is not the first attempt to establish a monument to the symbol of the region - the first variant was an allegorical image of a mythical winged wolf with a bared mouth.

The second monument to the Tambov wolf is also conceived as a reflection of the good nature of the city symbol - this figure of the wolf lying on the mountain represents calmness and confidence, good-naturedness and hospitality. The inscription is engraved on the monument: "When you give people the joy - Tambov wolf to you comrade! ". Its author is the head of the regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises V. Shityakov

This is far from the first attempts to establish a monument to the symbol of the region - the first variant was an allegorical image of a mythical winged wolf with a bared mouth . The monument caused an ambiguous response by the administration and residents of the city, in connection with which for a long time there could not be a place for its installation . As a result, the figure of the wolf was installed in 2004 . in the territory bought out from the city by the author of sculptures th composition, architect . @ Lukyanenko . And while controversies continued over the legality of leaving such an ambiguous and aggressive symbol of the city in its streets, one night the winged wolf simply disappeared . Most likely it was encroached on by the color pickers, which, incidentally , to search together with the monument did not become .

Address: Tambov, Rasskazovskoe highway, st. October, 95b.