Add a review about the Holy Resurrection Church in Chita

The Resurrection Church of Chita looks completely uncharacteristic of the Orthodox Church . And it is no wonder . It was built in 1851 ., but not as Orthodox, but as Catholic, Polish , and consecrated in honor of St. . Peter and Paul . In the post-revolutionary years, when all churches were closed, Voskresenskaya served as a workshop room and then as a city club building . This continued until 1945 ., when the ratio the churches became noticeably warmer . The former church was officially handed over to the Orthodox and the church was consecrated with a new name . The name was chosen not accidentally: victory in the Great Patriotic War happened just before Easter - that is, the Resurrection of Christ . For many years the renovated church remained the only one functioning in the city and the region, and so here they came specially from the whole district . Also the church was brought icons and shrines from other churches destroyed by the Bolsheviks .

The name for this church was chosen not accidentally: victory in the Great Patriotic War happened just before Easter - then eat By the Resurrection of Christ.

In 1996, the church suffered a severe fire, but was quickly restored, including with parishioners. Even in the dilapidated, repaired church services continued: they were transferred to the baptismal church.

In 1994 ., when the Transbaikal Diocese was restored, the Resurrection Church was appointed as a cathedral . This status he retained for about 10 years, until the end the construction of the new Kazan Cathedral . Also in the temple were the relics of . Varlaam Chikoysky, who subsequently moved to the new cathedral . As soon as the construction of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was completed, the Resurrection Church began in the Resurrection Church . Today the relatively small church looks very beautiful, unusual and still attracts the faithful .

The carved wooden iconostasis in the main chapel of the church was hand-made by the prisoners of the correctional colony of Nerchinsk and transferred to the temple in 2014.

The Resurrection Church is distinguished by some uncharacteristic Orthodox churches with features. Although over its roof were built on the traditional chapters with gilded domes, onions and crosses, the front larger, the rear smaller. Above the entrance portal of the triangular silhouette a small flat-rectangular belfry rises, covered with a triangular vault. The building itself is trimmed today with white panels with contrast-brown decorative elements: relief pillars, window frames and roofing.

Practical information

Address: st. January 9, 54.

The church stands on the corner of 9 January and Chkalov streets. It is located in a couple of steps from Babushkin street, and you can get there from the cathedral in about 20 minutes.