This unique church is the oldest church and the oldest building in Chita . Other names - Gradochitinskaya church or Decembrists church . It was built in 1776 . in the southeast part of the city from wooden logs and differed little in terms of architecture from traditional Russian churches . Originally it stood just on the ground, but a hundred years later the foundation was built up from the stone foundation . And after another half-century in Chita, The Decembrists, and the church became associated it was with them . It was in this church that the exiles were married And . Annenkov and D . Zavalishin . At her walls was buried the daughter of Volkonsky, Sophia, and wife D . Zavalishina . And today in her continues to be located Museum of the Decembrists . Now the church preserves the status of a monument of wooden architecture of the 18th century and is protected by the state since 1974 .
In the 1820s, ies. In Chita, 85 members of the uprising on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg were exiled to penal servitude. The museum, located in the church of Michael the Archangel, stores printed publications and documents related to these events. In total there are about 150 items and approximately 375 exhibits, including periodicals and foreign books
After the church was abandoned, the building was first given to the museum of local lore, and in 1971 . here the exposition devoted to the history of the city was placed . The church twice offered, in fact, the Orthodox Church - in 1950 . and 1970 ., but because of the deplorable condition of the building the church authorities refused the idea to use it according to the original appointment . Great is the probability that, if the church were not associated with the revolutionary names of the Decembrists, it would have long been dismantled for firewood . And so the building was used for storing church utensils, and in 1966 . it was recognized as an emergency . In the end, restoration began, which lasted from 1976 . till 1982 . And in 1985 . here the Decembrist Museum was opened - the first and so far only in Russia .
In the second decade of the 21st century, there was an idea to move the museum to another place: the Orthodox church began to insist on building itself. But the old-timers of Chita opposed this. Last but not least, the general age of the building plays a role: for example, the second floor is unlikely to withstand more than 75 people.
Practical information
Address: st. Decembrists, 3b.
The church is located in the oldest part of Chita, in the southeast. You can get here from the central station by going on the street. Serova and further along the railway line (about 2 km)
Opening hours: The museum is open daily, except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00, on Friday - until 17:00.
Admission: for adults: 50 RUB, for students and pensioners: 35 RUB, for pupils: 20 RUB.