Read 3 responses about Tobolsk Kremlin
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Amazing history and beauty the complex of the oldest buildings rises on the Troitsky cape under the shadow of the cedars trembling on the severe north wind. The Tobolsk Kremlin is not only the only stone Kremlin in Siberia, it is a unique complex of historical monuments, the value of which served as an excuse for including them in the list of federal cultural values ​​of the country. The Kremlin's modern appearance, of course, is silent about the fact that it was rebuilt six times already! The present appearance was given to him by the skillful hand of Semyon Remezov

Tobolsk Kremlin became one of the winners of the federal ethnographic contest "7 Wonders of Russia."

The ensemble of the Tobolsk Kremlin includes the Sophia-Uspensky Cathedral with a sacristy, the bell tower, the Bishop's house, the tower and the walls , Rettereya, the building complex of the former Palace of the Governor, Gostiny Dvor, the Prison Castle and the foothills of the Strahmsky vzvoz.

 Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin
Tobolsk Kremlin

Sophia-Uspensky Cathedral

@ The unapproachable double ring of the 4 meter Kremlin walls hides from the extraneous encroachments the Sophia-Uspensky Cathedral - the oldest stone structure in Siberia. The second name of the Kremlin is the Sophia Court.

Pokrovsky Temple

Many religious values ​​are hidden in the pearls of the Kremlin. In the Winter Pokrovsky church, decorated with painted murals, the relics of Metropolitan John of Tobolsk and all Siberia are kept.


The highest and majestic building of Tobolsk is a bell tower erected in the style of classicism and featuring a rare selection of bells. In addition to the pleasure of admiring its beauty from the outside, one can climb to its very top and see the whole of Tobolsk as on the palm of your hand. It was in the Tobolsk Kremlin that once hung the "exile bell" - the alarm bell of Uglich, who was called, the murder of False Dmitri, and who, according to Shuisky's order, "pulled out his tongue and ear," and then was sent to exile in Tobolsk.


In the depths of the Sofia court there is a building of the former consistory, the building, in which the fate of the heretics of the country was decided, is devoid of architectural exquisite, baroque and done the rancorous classicism does not give vent to the imagination and its current inhabitants - seminarians. A fascinating and spiritual and respectful visit to the spiritual male seminary is an amazing opportunity to get acquainted with the life of future clergymen. The corridors of the seminary are dotted with portraits of the patriarchs

Tobolsk Kremlin has become one of the winners of the federal ethnographic contest "7 Wonders of Russia."

Prison Castle

Immediately, near the majestic domes of the Kremlin, the prison lock, where the Decembrists and political prisoners. On the other hand, Gostiny Dvor, a small white-stone fortress, modestly sleeps.

Entrance and opening hours

The Kremlin runs daily from 10.00 to 18.00, except Monday, Tuesday, opening hours from 10.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes an hour earlier.

The entrance to the territory is free. Approximate ticket prices for visiting the objects of the Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve: for adults from 70 to 150 rubles, for students from 50 to 70 rubles

 Saints (Western) Gate of the Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin
Saints (Western) gate
 Golden Tobole of the Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin
Golden Domes
 Gostiny Dvor, Tobolsk  Tobolsk Kremlin
Gostiny Dvor

Reviews of the Tobolsk Kremlin (3)

Evaluation 8

The charming Tobolsky Kremlin October 15, 2014

was here in October 2014
Last weekend, my husband and I decided to spend the weekend in the beautiful city of Tobolsk, located just 250 kilometers from Tyumen. Turning to a local travel agency via the Internet, we purchased a two-day tour at a very pleasant price (1800 rubles per person), and this cost included a two-time meal at the hotel "Siberia", accommodation in the same hotel and 4 extensive excursions. The only thing that made our trip a little sad is the dull and rainy weather with small flakes ... Read the whole review
 Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin
Evaluation 10

The Tobolsk Kremlin is the only stone Kremlin beyond the Urals August 29, 2014

was here in July 2014
This year my husband and I visited the Golden Summer in Tobolsk festival, which is annually held in early July. At this festival you could buy interesting souvenirs with the symbols of the Tobolsk Kremlin, listen to songs of local performers and groups, and also take part in traditional games and competitions. In addition, the event was organized in conjunction with the opening day of the Hotel Gostiny Dvor, which for a long time was on restoration. The cost of the ticket to the Hotel ... Read the full review
 Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin
Evaluation 10

Tobolsk Kremlin - the heart of the city November 21, 2013

was here in November 2013
I really want to leave a tip about this sights, as I am a resident of Tobolsk and visit the Tobolsk Kremlin almost every week. As you know, this is the only white-stone architectural ensemble beyond the Urals, so it enjoys great popularity among tourists. In general, Tobolsk in recent years is actively developing cultural and educational tours around the city and in with. Abalak, as well as fishing tours in the forests of the region and on Lake Svetloy. If you came to the city for the purpose of cognitive ... Read the full review
 Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin  Tobolsk Kremlin