Add a review about the house of Blessed Pasha Sarovskoy

Bogomolets come to the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery not only to the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov and to the Holy Canal, but also to pray in the house of the blessed Pasha of Sarov (Praskovia Ivanovna), whose desert has been opened since 2010 as a museum and at the same time one of the shrines of Diveevo

The museum has preserved a veil embroidered by the tsarina Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova and donated to the elders of the Sarov desert in 1903.
The house of Blessed Pasha Sarovskaya, who foresaw the death of the Romanov family, every minute rained for the entire human race consists of three halls. The first one is a memorial room with pre-revolutionary furniture, numerous dolls and icons, as Praskovia Ivanovna loved. In the second, dresses and images are exhibited, and the third is completely dedicated to the glorification of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.

For the advice and prayer, crowds of believers of different classes came to the blessed house, and from the yarn that Praskovya Ivanovna wove, the entire Diveevo monastery made belts and rosaries. As it was not ordinary yarn, but prayed by minute prayer.

Blessed Pasha Sarovskaya was always glad to visitors. She loved bright sarafans and could wear several at once for especially honored guests. In the house of the blessed, several of her attire are exposed: a blue dress and a white and pink shirt in which Praskovia Ivanovna took the sacrament
Diveevsky blessed

In addition, in the house of the blessed Pasha of Sarov, some things are kept and another Diveevo blessed - Anna Bobkova . And in the big hall of the museum there is a showcase with church and monastic robes of the first abbesses of the monastery of Alexandra, Martha, Elena, personal belongings of the other primates of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery

. In the house of Blessed Pasha Sarovsky, part of the cell of Seraphim of Sarov was reconstructed as an element of the exposition dedicated to " glorification "of the holy elder.

Among the exhibits - old photographs of the early 20th century, documents and souvenirs associated with celebrations of" glorification. " The veil embroidered by tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova and presented in 1903 to the elders of the Sarov desert was preserved. You can also see simple wooden furniture made by the Reverend Seraphim himself.