Add a review about the Golitsyn estate in Yuriev-Polsky

Once in Yuriev-Polsky, do not forget to visit the famous Golitsyn estate. The estate is located not in the city itself, but about 20 kilometers from it, in the village of Sima. The road will take a little time, especially since you will have to go on a direct and well paved road.

General Petr Bagration has spent his last days in the Golitsyn estate after the battle of Borodino

But back to the history of the Golitsyn estate . The mansion was built here yet in the early 18th century, after the village with the easy hand of Emperor Peter I was donated to the prince and commander in one person - Mikhail Golitsyn . In addition to a spacious two-story house with a balcony and outbuildings around the estate was a large beautiful park and no less picturesque pond . Today, after more than two centuries, the Golitsyn estate in Yuryev-Polsky, of course, looks "aged" . From the former beauty and grandeur of the princely mansion there is little, however, tourists will be interested here .

Homestead Golitsyny

First, the Golitsyn estate is famous not only for its masters. The well-known general Pyotr Bagration spent his last days here. The commander arrived in Simu for a visit after the battle of Borodino, but his injuries were so serious that the prince soon died. Bagration was buried at the local church. Now in this place a monument is erected in his honor.

In addition, tourists can visit the museum where the orders and weapons of the talented commander are presented at the Golitsyn estate.

The museum works every day, except Monday and Tuesday, from 10.00 to 17.00 ( on Sunday - until 3 pm)

The exposition dedicated to the commander occupies one hall of the mansion, the rest of the premises are given for the activities of the center of folk art and the rural library. This is how the monument of architecture of federal importance - the Golitsyn estate - now serves the benefit of art and education.

Finally, after a tour of the territory of the Golitsyn estate, you can visit the local active temple - the church of Dmitry Solunsky.