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Visit the legendary crystal home and do not visit the Gusev Crystal Plant, where famous products are being created, it will be unforgivable, especially for tourists at the enterprise there are guided tours with visits to all production departments and departments.

And now a little bit from the history of the Gusev Crystal Factory. It was founded in the distant 1756 and is rightly considered to be one of the oldest not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Actually thanks to the opening of this production in the Vladimir region today, there is the city of Gus-Khrustalny. At all times of its existence, the Gusev Crystal Factory sought to produce the best products from the voiced glass, which has been repeatedly confirmed at world exhibitions since 1893.

The best examples of works produced at the Gusev plant since the 18th century can be seen in the Crystal Museum of the name. Maltsov, which is located in the halls of St. George's Cathedral.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the factory did not know itself in the manufactured products made of crystal. The production of the Gusev Crystal Plant has spread far beyond Russia. Yes there: the trading house of Carl Faberge was a regular customer and bought up the best products of the factory! Even during the war years, the Gusevskaya Crystal Plant did not stop its activities and produced items necessary for the front: medical ampoules, thermoses, jars, technical glass ...

Gusev Crystal Plant

Not the best times for the Gusev Crystal Plant came in connection with the economic crisis in 2008 and continued until January 2012, which ultimately led to the closure of the company. Again, the production of crystal in Gus-Khrustalny was launched a year later - in December 2013. Today, the products of the Gusev Crystal Factory are shipped to more than 40 countries!

The best examples of the plant's works since the 18th century can be seen in the Maltsov Crystal Museum, which is located in the halls of St. George's Cathedral in Gus-Khrustalny.

Address: ul. Kalinin, 28. You can get to the Gusevsky Crystal Plant by buses with routes No. 4, 6, 10, 11 and 124.