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Nikolayevsky Palace on Blagoveschenskaya Square was built especially for the son of Nicholas I - Prince Nikolai Nikolaevich. The building was laid in 1853 and was built for eight years. When the Nicholas Palace was erected, a chest with gold and silver coins was laid in its foundation. The residence of the prince included not only the house itself, but also many other premises. For example, here there were wings for servants, a riding school, stables. Nikolai Nikolayevich lived in the palace with his wife Alexandra Petrovna

When the Nicholas Palace was erected in St. Petersburg, a chest with gold and silver coins was laid in the foundation.

The new palace undoubtedly adorned the Annunciation Square (today - the square Truda) . Nikolaevsky Palace draws attention to itself thanks to the style in which it was executed . Architect Stackenschneider was a big fan of eclecticism, which became fashionable at the time . He chose the Italian Renaissance style for the facade of the building . Inside the house was Pts The room is spacious, with lots of rooms . Here there were dance halls, living rooms, billiard room, reception, offices, private owners' apartments and much more. . It is interesting that Stakenschneider provided even a special room for sports games . It is worth noting that Nikolayevsky the palace was provided with such necessary things as a lightning rod, heating system, telegraph communication, an elevator, a water pipe .

There was an accident at the Nikolaev Palace one day. Princess Tatiana Potemkina climbed the elevator, but suddenly the elevator car crashed down. The woman miraculously survived, but several more months she was forced to be treated.

The history of the house church in the palace is interesting. Once Prince Nikolai went to Rostov and saw there a temple in the Old Russian style. He was so impressed by the beauty of the almost collapsed building that he decided to build the exact same church at home. By 1863 a church was built in the Nikolaevsky Palace. Anyone could visit him.

Nikolayevsky Palace

The owners of the house had a lot of hobbies . Prince Nikolai loved everything connected with livestock breeding, and therefore often spent in his own arena an exhibition of pedigree cattle and horses . His wife was engaged in charity . In one of the living rooms, Alexander Petrovna often arranged charitable bazaars . In addition, the Nikolaevsky Palace was famous for its balls, at which the best musicians played . True, the prince had a special weakness for dancers . For his favorite ballerina Екатер he even rented an apartment directly opposite the Nikolaevsky Palace . The lovers had their own system of secret signs . Two lit candles on the window of Ekaterina Gavrilovna meant that she was ready to meet . Prince Nikolai saw this sign in the window and left at once from the house . The official explanation for his frequent departures was city fires . The fact is that the owner of the palace really loved to look at the merciless fire . But, of course, so often fires in St. Petersburg did not happen .

Alexandra Petrovna was worried because of the unplanned ysya personal life. Frequent adultery her husband pushed her to the decision to move to Kiev. In this city she founded a monastery and herself became a nun.

After a while, the children of Prince Nikolai Nikolaevich were forced to sell the house for debts . In 1895 in the building of the Nikolaevsky Palace was opened the Ksenia Women's Institute, in which the girls were trained in two specialties - handicraft and accounting . After the revolution, this house was renamed the Palace of Labor . Here is the People's University of Trade Union Workers, library, printing house . During the Great Patriotic War the palace was badly damaged, but in the late 40s Taurified . Now in the building of the Nikolayevsky Palace there is the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of St. Petersburg .

Address: pl. Truda, 4.

 Nikolaevsky Palace, St. Petersburg  Nikolaevsky Palace
Nikolaevsky Palace
 Entrance to the Nikolayevsky Palace, St. Petersburg  Nikolaevsky Palace
Entrance to the Nikolaev Palace