According to legend, the name of Lake Nero turned out this way: one eccentric man was looking for Rostov in these parts. He spent a long time wandering and was completely exhausted when he suddenly saw the city. But the man hesitated and wanted to say: "This is not Rostov," as he immediately struck an arrow. In general, he managed to say only: "It's not Ro ..."

This lake is about 500 thousand years old. Over the years, Nero has turned into a famous tourist site: here they come for fishing, recreation and water walks. The places around are beautiful. After all, ancient Russia and everything that relies on it.

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How to get here

This freshwater lake is located in the southwest of the Yaroslavl region. Nearby is Rostov the Great, in the neighborhood - the village of Porechye-Rybnoe, as well as the villages of Vorzha, Lions and Ugodichi. These settlements will be a guide.

Fishermen advise to get here like this: to the Spaso-Yakovlev Monastery, which is on the road before entering Rostov. From it - to the mouth of Sarah. From the monastery begins the main path, which is chosen by most fishermen.

In winter, on the first and last ice in the car, you can not go in any case - only on foot. And the car can be left in the parking lot near the monastery.

Fishing on Nero

Fishermen believe that Nero is biting - all year round. Even if on other reservoirs absolutely nothing is present. For example, a large perch goes to cheers - it happens that you do not have time to change the bait. And then there are such large copies that you can not get out alone.

During the ice fishing on the lake you can often hear a cry: "Bagore! ". This means that the fisherman can not pull the catch and calls for help from his comrades. They flee with hips and try to pick up a fish that does not climb into the hole. The main thing is to pull out the whole fish. And then there were cases when only the head got. The rest went under the water.

Near the mouth of Sarah, roach, gooseberries, and scum often come across. Big bream are found. The pride of Lake Nero is pike. There are many here. But this is a cunning fish, which can easily deceive the fisherman. Catch pike can only experienced catcher. It is known that this fish usually finds itself in the reeds in winter, then moves to the middle of the lake, and then - to the shore.

According to the experienced, the most salable places for fishing are Porechye. To get here, you need to drive through the bridge through Sarah and turn left. On the road running along the river you will rush into the lake. Here it is necessary to stop. In the Porechye, pike and perch are on their way.

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Rest on Lake Nero

Rest on Lake Nero - for every taste. Recreation bases located nearby will literally fill you with different offers. Here you can spend a wonderful time in summer and in winter.

First of all, here are the original beaches. Not to say that the VIP-class, but in order to refresh yourself in hot weather - that's it. The service here is unpretentious: I found a place, threw a towel and went swimming. You can catch a seller with ice cream and beer, play volleyball and listen to the bells of church bells.

Secondly, it's worth noting other summer entertainments: horseback riding and hang gliding. In winter, too, there is something to profit: walks on a snowmobile, ice fishing and kiting. Prices for entertainment are moderate. Taking into account the fact that there are enough recreation bases here, you can find beneficial offers.

Finally, hunting - on the coastal hills of the lake you can shoot both waterfowl, hare, elk, wild boar or fox.

Recreation bases and hotels of Nero

Departing for impressions on Lake Nero, a rare tourist chooses a hotel. Most often the choice is made in favor of the recreation center. Good hotels are located in Rostov the Great. But this means that, firstly, sometimes you have to spend a lot of time to get to the lake. And secondly, the complete lack of romance, which is given by villages near the lake. So the choice is simple: either civilized comfort in concrete walls or the breathing of nature.

The choice in favor of the second factor means that you will have to find a house or a cottage. They are perfect for both summer and winter holidays. In the coastal cafes are excellent prepared game and fish. You can come with your catch, and you will receive exactly such a dish as you want.

Cottage villages most often offer houses for 4-6 people, sports grounds, sauna, bath. Guides will show where it is best to fish or hunt the beast. The spread of prices is large. You can economically rest for a couple of thousand rubles or leave a hundred thousand here and leave with a huge baggage of impressions.

Book popular Nero hotels at the best prices

Moskovksiy Trakt from 1 665 rubles Rostov Okruzhnaya Ulitsa 29a Usadba Pleshanova from 2 000 rubles Rostov Leninskaya Str.34 Lion Hotel from 1 400 rubles Rostov Ulitsa 50 Letiya Oktyabrya 9/6
Tsarevna Lyagushka Hotel from 1 105 rubles Rostov Ulitsa Leninskaya 20
2 things that need to be done at Lake Nero
  1. Catch a pike - as already mentioned, this fish can deceive any fisher. For someone to become a matter of principle - to overcome this agile beast. If you caught a pike, consider that you passed the exam "excellent."
  2. Find Bishop James is an exciting lesson for historians and archaeologists. According to legend, the bishop founded the Yakovlevsky Monastery. However, whether this is in fact, is unknown, because there is no ancient life of the saint and his name on the lists of the bishop of Rostov. In general, we will have to determine whether the boy was there.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Nero

On the picturesque banks of Lake Nero there are a lot of sights that are worth visiting during the excursions.

Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery

This the monastery tourists often take for the Rostov Kremlin. On the bank of Nero is a huge structure of domes and crosses, brightly shining in the sun. This ensemble dates back to the 18-19th centuries. Here you can see the elements of classicism and pseudo-Gothic. This monastery is known for the fact that the friend of Peter the Great, Metropolitan Dimitry of Rostov, lived in it. He had a great influence on the church and was - the only Russian saint - canonized in the 18th century.

Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery is an active male abode with strict rules. For example, you can not take pictures here. In the monastery are the relics of the saints Demetrius and Jacob of Rostov, as well as the relics of the Monk Abraham of Rostov. One of the most important sacred objects is the Vatopedi icon of the Virgin, which belonged to Saint Dimitri.

During the ice fishing on the lake you can often hear a cry: "Bago-o-o-o-or! ". This means that the fisherman can not pull the catch and calls for help from his comrades.

Rostov Kremlin

This is the main attraction of Rostov the Great. He looks like an impregnable fortress, although he was never so. Most of the structures of the Rostov Kremlin were erected in the second half of the 17th century. However, the central structure - the Assumption Cathedral - appeared in the 10th century, after the baptism of Rostov.

In the 18th century the Kremlin, after it ceased to be the residence of the metropolitan, came to desolation. But he was rescued by local residents, who restored the architectural complex. On the territory of the Kremlin works the Museum of Church Antiquities, whose collection numbers more than 100 thousand units

Sarskoye Gorodische

There were many settlements on the banks of Lake Nero. Unfortunately, only ruins have survived to this day. There are practically no serious sights left. Unless Sarskoe hillfort, which was one of the largest settlements. Here you can sometimes find signs of the life of the villagers who lived several hundred years ago.

Excursions on the lake

Lake Nero is shallow - only 3, 5 meters, but ships go along it. From the pier, located near the Rostov Kremlin, two steamers leave. The cost of the tour is about 200 rubles. The steamer leaves like a minibus - when the right number of people is typed. In addition, you can rent a motorboat on the pier and go on your own.