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Along with the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, the UNESCO World Heritage Site in Sicily also includes a Roman Roman monument - Villa Romana del Casale, which is located about 5 km from the city of Piazza Armerina .

Once a luxurious ancient Roman palace was built in the early 4th century AD. e. on the foundation of a more ancient structure. The value of the Sicilian Villa del Casale is, first of all, in the perfectly preserved floor mosaics decorating every room of the palace

In the time of the splendid epoch we are moved by the skilful mosaics of Villa del Casale in Sicily, considered one of the largest collections of Roman art preserved in historical natural conditions .

The most interesting is a mosaic depicting ten female athletes dressed in a modern style of swimsuits, each with its own sports equipment and in various poses. Here you can see running, ball games, discus throwing, etc. The mosaic was found during excavations in the 1960s by the archaeologist Gentili and was given the semi-official name "Girls in a bikini."

Also in the Villa del Casale the mosaics with hunting plot with fishing cupids, chariot races, erotic mosaic with the embraces of a half-naked pair of lovers, etc.

Mosaics of Villa del Casale in Piazza Armerina (italian)

Not all the premises of a single-storey Villa del Casale could be identified by their functions However, it is assumed that the northwestern wing was assigned to the termites (the water main was preserved there), the northern part contained guest rooms and servants 'rooms, and the owners' own apartments and a large luxurious basilica were in the eastern wing of the palace.

Archaeological excavations at the Villa del Casale began in the 19th century, when fragmentary pieces of mosaics were found. Studies continued in the 30s of the 20th century, and during the last excavations in the 1960s a special dome was erected over the mosaics.

Address: Contrada Casale, Piazza Armerina Provincia di Enna.

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