Tours to at least the Dead Sea, but the most life-giving sea of ​​the planet is a unique opportunity to combine pleasant not only with useful, but also amazing . In addition to the "general" pleasures - lying on the beach under the gentle sunlight, acquiring a delicious skin tone and every relaxation under the shadow of foreign hides - here you can, as they say, without departing from the ticket office, effectively heal the shaky health or, if you have it firmly, be rejuvenated, shake yourself and fill up the stock of optimism for at least the next working class od . A cheerful experience of floundering in persistently pushing you water can cause a happy smile on the lips of even an inveterate cynic .

Staff of the Dead Sea clinics perfectly owns the great and mighty - which means that you can safely send grandparents without fear for their further fate in a foreign land
 Dead Sea Tours (Israel)
Israeli Tour Operator Shalom Israel Travel
All Israeli beauties for 8 days from 543 USD
Hot Eilat and Yeruaslim from 924 USD - flight included!
Israel and Jordan from 751 USD
Rest on the Dead Sea in the Spa Hotel from 596 USD
(495) 204-10-79, (812) 425-01-72 • shalom-travel .ru
 Tours to the Dead Sea (Israel)
Israel Tour Operator
Classic Israel from 774 USD
Eilat. Affectionate beach from 500 USD - flight included!
Israel + Jordan from 751 USD
SPA tours to the Dead Sea from 561 USD
(495) 204-19-12, (812) 429-71-52 •
 Tours to the Dead Sea (Israel)
Best offers from the Israeli tour operator
Additional discounts for children and pensioners
Magic trip to Israel - from 675 USD.
Eilat - the sun all year round - from 490 USD. (including air travel)
Relax at the Dead Sea - from 546 USD.
Christian sacred places of Israel and Jordan - from 720 USD.
(495) 204-27-75, (812) 424-43-52 •
 Tours to the Dead Sea (Israel)
Flight to Israel - as a gift!
On the most popular tours: Beach Eilat - 629 USD • Acquaintance with Israel - 549 USD • Recovery on the Dead Sea - 866 USD • Travel on 3 seas 10n - 665 USD.
Number of tickets is limited!
Israeli tour operator with Israeli license.
(495) 668-08-41, (812) 336-42-41 •
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Beach tours to the Dead Sea

Salt shores of the Dead Sea - one of the most unusual beaches of the planet . Let it not be possible to run along the soft sand, but this does not detract from the holiday impressions - there is not much where you can spend time dazzlingly sparkling under the bright the Middle East sun of the salted land . The beaches of the reservoir are well equipped with relaxation equipment - umbrellas (in which there is no special need, as it is impossible to burn here), comfortable sunbeds and other useful accessories . Another pleasant moment: There are no attractions in the surroundings, but, as they say, oblivion, which means relaxation and all sorts of bliss, nothing hinders . By the way, beach holidays on the Dead Sea are possible at any time of the year - the water temperature does not fall below +18 ° C, and on air is not less than +20 ° C .

Medical and health tours to the Dead Sea

To visit the Dead Sea and not to be treated - an inexcusable omission . In order not to admit it, let's briefly list the main advantages of the area . The unique climate - once again, the unique properties of water C (this is how the Israelis call it) - two, the team of the best doctors, who have gained a lot of experience in the therapy of various diseases for many years - three, and finally, the fourth: the staff of the clinics is fluent in the great and mighty - which means that you can safely send grandmothers -fathers without fear for their future fate in a foreign country . Arrival is recommended for at least 2 weeks, better - for three, so that the effect is complete . Many choose combined tours to Israel: in order to receive medical treatment at the Dead Sea and sightseeing potentials country, so to speak, to learn .