Add a review about the Museum of the Icon in Frankfurt

The basis of the museum's icon collection (Ikonenmuseum) was the collection of Dr. Jürgen Schmidt-Voigt, who in 1988 donated to the city 800 icons dating from 16-19 centuries. When Soviet politicians consulted Jurgen Schmidt-Voigt, knowing about his hobbies paid with him icons. Just Russian icons make up most of the collection. At the moment the collection has more than 1000 exhibits

Museum of icons in Frankfurt

Address: Frankfurt, Brückenstrasse, 3-7.

Working hours: Tuesday, Thursday - Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00, Wednesday : 10:00 - 20:00. Weekend: Monday

Entrance: Full ticket price 9, 50 EUR

Information is indicated on June 24, 2014

 Museum of the icon in Frankfurt  Museum of the icon in Frankfurt
Museum of the icon in Frankfurt
 Icons, Museum of the icon in Frankfurt  Museum of the icon in Frankfurt
Icons, Museum of the Icon in Frankfurt
 One of the exhibits, Museum of the Icon in Frankfurt  Museum Kona in Frankfurt Icon Museum
in Frankfurt One of the exhibits, the icon museum in Frankfurt