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Lake Alster - the real pride of Hamburg. Here, as for the outlet, many Hamburts seek after working days. The lake is located in the center of the megalopolis for 160 hectares and is completely surrounded by parks, trees and avenues.

Despite the constant development of Hamburg, the lake remains untouched by civilization.

The history of the Alster lake began back in the 13th century, after the dam had managed to block the influx of the Elbe. Since then, this territory has always been under the close attention of local residents and authorities. Despite the constant development of Hamburg and the construction of industrial enterprises and numerous residential complexes, the lake remains an untouched civilization.

Lake Alster

Today Alster is a mass leisure destination for citizens and tourists. Around the lake is laid the so-called health path with a length of 7 km. No time for jogging and other HLS? Then you can simply, sitting in the shade, admire the lake and the fountains that beat from it. The blessing on the quay almost every two meters there are benches.

By the way, two years ago in the center of the Alster lake was installed a giant sculpture of the girl-bather. From the first days the sculpture with a height of more than 4 m has become Hamburg's most popular landmark. You can get to know her better by renting a boat or a catamaran. Here, tourists are vied with the tickets for pleasure boats, on which they can enjoy the view of the city attractions from the water.

The cost of the trips depends on the tour and its duration starts from 2 EUR per person (July 2013).

For the convenience of tourists, boats and steamers are sent every hour.

 Lake Alster at sunset, Hamburg  Lake Alster
Lake Alster at sunset
 Lake Alster, Hamburg  Lake Alster
Lake Alster