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The legendary Kunst palast (Museum KunstPalast, "Palace of Arts") is one of the most famous museums in Germany, counting the pages of its history from the distant 1710. It was then that Elector Johann Wilhelm Palatinate with his wife with the beautiful name Anna Maria Louise de Medici decided to build an art gallery in Düsseldorf. Nearly 100 years of work of foreign artists were stored in the brainchild of the family of the Palatinate, when in 1805 most of the paintings were transferred to the Munich Wittelsbacher Gemäldesammlung, and the rest moved to a new residence in the Dusseldorf Academy of Arts.

The new life of Kunstpalast began in 1846, when the Union created for the opening of the Dusseldorf Art Gallery again began to acquire paintings and sculptures in its funds. By 1926, it turned out that the current building of the museum is not enough, so on the basis of the palace in 1902, designed by Wilhelm Kreiz, began to erect a new grandiose Palace of Arts. Already in 1928, Kunstpalast re-settled over a bizarre horseshoe-shaped building in the style of expressionism.

The museum complex, by the way, consists of four brick buildings, where the KunstPalast Museum, the National Museum of Society and Economics, the Tonhalle Concert Hall and restaurant "Rheinterrace".

The first exhibition in the new Palace of Arts was called GeSoLei, she talked about a popular hobby among all Germans in those days - about health, physical training and social security. It is not surprising that almost half a million visitors visited the exhibition for half a year. But the Nazis came to power, and in 1937 from the museum's funds seized about 900 works recognized as so-called. "Degenerative art."

Fortunately, life never stands still, the generation is replaced by a generation, and art is still forever guarded by the wonderful interests of societies . Therefore, in subsequent years, the stocks of Kunstpalast all grew full, and in 1993 in requiring the already new design of the museum there was a fire . Fortunately the collection was not damaged, but the Palace of Arts was closed for reconstruction right up to 2001 . Today the luxury museum fund (more than 100 thousand items) contains works in five directions at once: gallery, sculpture, Modern art, engravings and the Museum of Glass .


Museum Collection

Of course, the main collection of Kunstpalast is a collection of the art gallery where you can see masterpieces of three directions at the same time: painting of old masters (raisins - two Rubens and work of Cranach the Elder), painting of the 19th century (Düsseldorf school) and classics of German and Swiss painting (Böcklin, Lieberman, Menzel), as well as 20th century art (Expressionists Macke, Mark, Rolfs, Kirchner, Nolde).

The pride of the collection - Rosen's "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary" "And" Venus and Adonis. "

Noteworthy collection of graphics, there are about 70 000 jobs, 14 of which were presented to the Museum of Fine Arts Academy of Düsseldorf (15-20 century, the work of Altdorfer, Michelangelo, Veronese, Raphael). Of course, a rich collection of sculpture and works of applied art. A separate exhibition is devoted to glass products: antique times, crystal of royal courts of Europe 17-19 centuries and much more.

The pride of the collection is the Rosen's "The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin" and "Venus and Adonis."

In addition to amazing works, Kunstpalast attracts attention and its location. The museum is located in the heart of old Dusseldorf, next to the picturesque deep-water Rhine, because it is so nice to have a cup of coffee (or the famous German amber drink) in the local restaurant, and in the park nearby - lie on a well-groomed lawn, watch sailboats and yachts sailing stealthily past.


Address: Kulturzentrum Ehrenhof, Ehrenhof 4-5. Opening hours: Tues-Sun 11: 00-18: 00, Thursdays the museum runs until 9 pm

How to get there: The nearest metro station is Henrich-Heine Allee (U-bahn), from where to the Palace of Arts No. 70, 74 , 75, 76, 77 to the stop Tonhalle & Ehrenhoff.

From October 2011 every Wednesday from 14:30 to 16:30 you can sign up for a free consultation (alas, only in German) in different areas: contemporary art, engravings, paintings old masters until 1900, sculptures
 Franz Wilhelm Seiwert, Kunstpalast Museum, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
Franz Wilhelm Seiwert, Kunstpalast Museum
 Log in Kunstpa Museum ast night, Düsseldorf
Entrance to the museum Kunstpalast in the evening
 Entrance to the museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
Entrance to the museum Kunstpalast
 Products from glass and crystal, Kunstpalast Museum, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
Glass and Crystal Products, Kunstpalast Museum
 Stairs, Kunstpalast Museum, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
Stairs, Kunstpalast Museum
 Kunstpalast Museum, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
Kunstpalast Museum
 One of the halls, Kunstpalast Museum, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
One of the halls, the Kunstpalast Museum
 Sculptures at the entrance to the museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
Sculptures at the entrance to the museum Kunstpalast
 Utagawa Kunisada, Kunstpalast Museum, Dusseldorf  Kunstpalast
Utagawa Kunisada, Kunstpalast Museum