Add a review about the Wat Sattahip Temple

Wat Sattahip Temple - a rather old religious building by local standards: in the suburbs of Pattaya, very few old buildings have survived, mostly in the new development . Wat Sattahip Temple, or, as it is also called, Wat Luang Pho I, was built in 1899 ., during the reign of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), the most revered Thai monarch . Above the temple building project worked a talented monk-architect Luang Pho, also known as Phrakhra Voravet Muni . For their recognized achievements in the spheres e of meditation and willingness to help one's neighbor in a difficult situation, the monk Luang Pho was considered a real celebrity and enjoyed great public honor . As evidence of his love for Luang Pho, his admirers cast a statue depicting a full-sized monk and installed it in the temple . @ The statue of the monk Luang Pho to this day serves as an object of worship .

Wat Sattahip Temple - a rather old religious building by local standards: in the suburbs of Pattaya, very few old buildings have been preserved, mainly these are areas of new th building.

As planned by the monk, the temple was to be located so that it was easy to get off the street and go straight to the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. This is exactly how the plan was realized: the facade of the Wat Sattahip temple faces one of the city streets, and the rear exit faces the sea.

The temple was named after the suburb of Pattaya, where it is located, the second name commemorates the memory of a monk who designed the project

The temple complex

Wat Sattahip temple is distinguished by its original architectural solution, original execution, great emotionality and subtle beauty. The magnificent temple looks very impressive, so that none of those who come to Sattahip can pass it. The territory of the temple complex is impressive in size and occupies a whole block of the already not too large Sattahip. There are pagodas for the residence of monks and Buddhist stupas in which sacred objects are kept.

How to behave in the Wat Sattahip Temple

Wat Sattahip Temple, like many other temples of Thailand, is open to all comers, but the rules of conduct in religious buildings, nobody canceled . In order to avoid misunderstandings with respect for local traditions, it is important to follow these rules . First of all, you should pay attention to the conformity of clothes . If you are planning a visit to any Buddhist temple, hidden clothes of calm colors, for men light trousers will fit, and women will have to wear long skirts and take a handkerchief covering their shoulders, in case you are in an open shirt .

Before entering the temple, do not forget to take off your shoes: Buddhist temples can only be entered barefoot.

In addition, you should learn the rule of three "not": do not touch the Buddha statue, touch the monks and do not turn your back on the Buddha statue.

Address: Chon Buri, Sattahip District , Soi Thetsaban, 9.

Wat Sattahip temple complex is located in the western part of a small resort th town Sattahip (Chonburi Province). The journey from Pattaya to Wat Sattahip on tuk-tuk takes about 30 minutes.