Add a review of the Sirach Tiger Zoo

The Sirach Tiger Zoo is still very young (it was opened in 1997 .), but more than 10 million people have already visited it, and that's because it is completely different from other Thai zoos , where spectators watch animals through a cage . Life in the Zoo of Siraca overflows: the pigs compete in speed, the roosters fight among themselves, and the elephants kindly ride the visitors . The guests of the zoo are also prepared other entertainment: performances with the participation of trained tigers, show programs to crocodiles and elephants, a shocking performance of the "Queen of Scorpions" - a young trainer, wrapped up with live scorpions from head to foot .

Life in the zoo of Siracha overflows: piglets compete in speed, cocks fight among themselves, and elephants graciously roll Visitors riding.

A lot of sated with ice-cold ideas, you can finally take a leisurely stroll through the zoo and get acquainted with its inhabitants. You will meet with four hundred tigers of Bengali breed, ten thousand crocodiles, elephants, camels, donkeys, capybarans, scorpions, fossilized Amazonian fish arapaims, and, of course, a variety of domestic animals: pigs, cows, goats, rabbits and others. Agree, is it impressive?

The main pride of the zoo is the glass enclosure "Happy Family", where a tigress feeds and nurtures pigs, and the sow feeds cubs. This is an interactive entertainment: visitors can feed the cubs themselves from the bottle and even take pictures with them (the photo cost is 150 THB)

You can also take photos in the company of tigers and cubs, baboons, crocodiles or pythons.

It's interesting

@ One of the animal rights organizations criticized the tiger zoo for cruel treatment of animals in circus rooms and for violations of safety regulations, and accused the management of the zoo of selling tigers to China. As it turned out, for the most part, these accusations were unfounded, but some animal stunts were simplified or eliminated, in particular, they refused the number with elephants balancing on ropes.

Sirach Tiger Zoo

The management of the zoo introduces other positive changes. For example, in 2010, a new attraction Shoot'N'Feed opened, the participants of which shoot at targets from pneumatic weapons, and in case of hitting the target, a mechanism is turned on, feeding pieces of raw meat into the tiger enclosure. In addition, a cozy "coffee corner" appeared in the picturesque garden of tropical plants and flowers

Useful information

Programs with animals are held on schedule. Show with pigs takes place every half hour, performances with crocodiles can be seen at 9:30, 10:30, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00 and 17:00, show tigers are held thrice a day - in 11:00, 13:30 and 15:30, to see the tricks with elephants, you need to come at 11:40, 14:30 and 16:30.

Address: 341 Moo 3, Nongkham, Sriracha, Chonburi.

Phones: (038) 296-55-68, (081) 750-91-04, (084) 945-37-22.

Working hours: Monday - Sunday: 8:00 - 18:00, cash desks close at 5:30 pm

Admission: for adults 450 THB, for children from 100 to 140 cm: 250 THB, for children up to 1 m in height, the entrance is free.

It's easiest to get to the zoo by yourself on the arena ovannom motorbike, the zoo is a 30-minute drive from Pattaya City and within 2 km from the motorway. For a visit with children, you can take delivery, which organizes the zoo: twice a day (in the morning and after lunch), small buses collect tourists from several large hotels in Pattaya. It is necessary to order a transfer in advance

If you do not want to burden yourself with organizational efforts, book a group excursion: all questions with transport, admission tickets and even meals will be taken by the tour desk. However, in this version it is worth to prepare for the fact that on the way to the zoo you will be brought to a couple of stores with jewelry, oils, medicinal drinks and other necessary things in the household.

The cost of an organized excursion to the zoo of Sirach starts from 1000 THB , this price includes an entrance ticket, lunch, guide services, travel by bus.

If you are well-versed in local life and public transport, you can successfully reach the tiger zoo on a public bus that leaves with little interruptions several stations in Pattaya

All prices are indicated as of August 2014