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Tiffany Show in Thailand - this is perhaps the most famous in the world and popular cabaret of transvestites . In addition, it is also the most the first show of such a plan in Southeast Asia . Tiffany show has existed for 39 years - since 1974 . At the time, only three artists who played the Broadway stars . participated in the performances @ By the way, then at the theater there was not even a room, and performances took place in a tiny studio on the outskirts of southern Pattaya . Tourists were very fond of Tiffany's show, and de and the actors went up the hill - now the theater works in the northern part of the city in its own building, which holds about 1000 spectators, and the troupe consists of 100 professional actors .

Tiffany show in Thailand - this is perhaps the most famous in the world and the popular cabaret of transvestites.

Cabaret performances are very bright and colorful. Many tourists note that they were initially skeptical about the Tiffany show, but after that they changed their minds. Firstly, the hall where the show is held is equipped with excellent sound and light equipment, as well as stunning scenery. Secondly, the artists are so beautiful and well-groomed that many girls look at them with envy and admiration. Some viewers joke that to go to the show is worthwhile at least for the sake of looking at the wonders of plastic surgery.

The show is divided into four parts. The first tells about the history of the Siamese kingdom, the second - about the Chinese emperor. The next two are a presentation based on the American musical "The Funny Girl" and a show program for jazz music.

In 2001, magazine placed Tiffany's show on the 4th place in the top ten of the world's shows.

Of course, Tiffany show is a competitor. However, the show holds the palm of the show due to the fact that it focuses on tourists. For example, the repertoire of the collective has a Russian song "Katyusha" and several compositions by Natasha Koroleva

Tiffany Show

Practical Information

The Tiffany Show is located in the northern part of Pattaya from Second Road, before reaching the statue "Dolphins ". Performances begin at 18.00, 19.30 and 21.00. The cost of tickets depends on the place, on average 600-800 baht. Children under 12 years are not allowed. Photo and video are prohibited at the time of submission, but then you can take a picture with any artist for 100 baht

All prices are for June 2013

 Show actress, Tiffany show, Pattaya  Tiffany Show
Show Actress, Tiffany Show
 Tiffany Show Building, Pattaya  Tiffany- show
Tiffany Show Building
 Troupe Assembly, Tiffany Show, Pattaya  Tiffany Show
Troupe assembly, Tiffany show

Tiffany show reviews (3)

Evaluation 10

Worth seeing at least once in life April 22, 2014

was here in March 2013
Although I was never in Pattaya for a Tiffany show, I never went one time. But she visited all the excursions that are offered at this resort. I've seen enough of the usual trances on Walkin Street that I thought about the Tiffany show about the same. But on our last vacation, the neighbors around the hotel, with whom we became friends, persuaded us to go to this show. They were there more than once. When we came there, everything turned out to be much more civilized than I expected. The show lasted more than an hour and then ... Read the whole review
 Tiffany Show  Tiffany Show  Tiffany Show  Tiffany Show
Evaluation 10

March 13, 2014

was here in February 2014
Arriving in Thailand, I immediately realized that this holiday will be full of events and holidays. And here in Pattaya, my friends and I got to the Tiffany show of the city. Recently this place celebrated its 38 years. Tiffany SHOW in Pattaya is an original Cabaret show, in which transvestites take part. Over the past few years, the Tiffany show has become popular not only in Thailand and Asia, but throughout the world. And not surprisingly. We ended up in this place on Saturday, and I thought we would not get inside. There are a lot of people ... Read the whole review
 Tiffany Show  Tiffany Show  Tiffany Show  Tiffany show
Evaluation 8

Thai feast during plague January 29, 2014

was here in December 2013
I've been to Thailand several times, but I have not seen Tiffany on the show. Although I was on other representations of transvestites, which I did not like at all. Actors in cheap shows moved like wooden and many already very much looked through the former floor despite the operation. Therefore, I went to the well-known Tiffany show with reluctance and prejudice. I bought a ticket for their show at a street tour agency for 800 baht and I thought why I really needed it. Tiffany has its own pretty beautiful building and a large ... Read full review
 Tiffany Show  Tiffany Show  Tiffany Show  Tiffany show  Tiffany show