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That sunny resort of Pattaya is also a real city of vice, today every self-respecting traveler knows . Night comes, civilians fall asleep and wake up . No, not the mafia, but tourists eager for special entertainment . Night Pattaya satisfies the interests of all its guests, there is something here for adventurers of unconventional sexual orientation . Suni Plaza - this is the place where men can finally feel absolutely comfortable and, completely relaxed, give be fun and unrestrained entertainment . Suni Plaza is the main gay area of ​​Pattaya, nightlife center for sexual minorities .

Night Pattaya meets the interests of all its guests, there is something here for adventurers of unconventional sexual orientation.

The Souni Plaza area arose relatively recently - the first gay bar Crazy Pub opened here only in 1996, followed by the Sunee Plaza Bar, Topman Nightclub, and soon the bars started to grow, as a leap. He owns all the facilities located in this area, taika Madame Suni, renting them for gay bars. In every second Sune Plaza bar waiters work well-built Thai men who not only serve tables and serve cocktails, but also sit down to the guests to attract their attention.

In addition, about a dozen go-go- bars, which differ from traditional ones in that they dance not young girls, but young Thai dancers. In addition to bars, Suni Plaza has several fashionable restaurants with a variety of Thai and European cuisine, two large hotels, two small budget hotels

In Pattaya there is another, no less popular gay district - Boystown

More about bars

Krazy Drago - one of the most popular go-go bars, it is believed that this bar was the first to include dancing on the tables in the entertainment program of the guests: the dancers playfully play around between the tables, lingering at everyone and setting up on it a small but very incendiary performance. In the Euroboys bar, dancers are also not on the stage, they have a special illuminated path between the seats for visitors

Pattaya is believed to be a city of sins and Suni Plaza is the heart of the city of sins

Bar Oud's Bar and Cafe is notable for its improvised performances, the Forest House bar is popular among lovers of a quiet, relaxing holiday, and at Duc's Coffee Shop and Bar you can have fun and buy an interesting book. The restaurant Mike's All New White Night specializes in inexpensive food, it serves simple dishes at the most pleasant prices, but in the restaurant Balkan Express you can try delicious Croatian dishes - for Pattaya it is a real exotic.


After several scandals associated with the use of underage boys as dancers, Suni Plaza began to actively cooperate with the police. Law enforcement agencies began to monitor street children scurrying around the area, closed a number of bars in which young men under the age of 18 worked, and arrested their owners. Today, the SUNI PLAZA administration is engaged in the improvement of problem areas of the district and supervises the influx of the underage work force

Valentine's Day Party in Souni Plaza

How to get to Sunei Plaza

Suni Plaza is located in the southern part of Pattaya, 200 m from Soi VC Street, which starts from Second Road. In the vicinity of Sun Plaza, there are several more gay bars that actually belong to this area.