Add a review about the Yakutsk Political Link Memorial Museum

The Yakutsk Political Link memorial museum in the village of Cherkokh is an open-air museum . In 1977 . it became the first museum object of its kind in the republic . The museum complex stands on a beautiful river bank and includes two dozen facilities . These are the monuments of wooden architecture that were literally saved from destruction by the initiative of the local public . Many people in Sakhi invested in the creation of the museum in different ways: who and by the forces who are the money, who are the future museum exhibits . The main purpose of the museum is to demonstrate how the Russian culture brought to Yakutia by political exiles influenced the life of the local population . After all, in fact, since the 17th century, wild Siberian was sent to the wildest Siberia people educated, educated and socially responsible (take at least the Decembrists) . Of course, they could not but leave their mark both in the material and spiritual culture of the Territory .

The main pride of the museum complex is the wooden church of Mykolayiv, lined up I in 1912

Among the most famous names associated with Yakutia, you can name Chernyshevsky, Muravyov-Apostol and Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, writer . Korolenko . Less known, but no less significant for the republic are such public figures as the creator of the most complete dictionary of the Yakut language E . Pekarsky, the creator of the primer for children .Ionov, a religious scholar . Troshchansky, who initiated the study of shamanism in Yakutia . Even those who did not commit such notable acts still had a big impact on the local population, treating, training and t . d .

The creators of the museum collected a lot of documents and evidence related to the life of exiles in Yakutia, starting with A . Radishcheva and ending with the Bolsheviks . Among the exhibits of the museum are original and restored wooden houses where exiles, yurts, , octagonal birch bark .Also on the territory you can see absolutely unique designs that make it possible to get an idea of ​​the pre-revolutionary life of the local places . This is, for example, a yurt-forge with a full "toolkit" inside, a hut-babaaryna (kitchen), a trough (mill) livestock .

At present, the museum "Yakutsk political exile" is one of the five branches of the Yakut State Unified Museum of the History and Culture of the Peoples of the North. E. Yaroslavsky.

The main pride of the museum complex is the wooden church of Nicholas, built in 1912. By the time the museum was open, the church was in terrible condition. It was carefully restored; The project on the restoration of the church and its transformation into a museum protected by the state became the first in the republic. Today the main museum exposition is located inside the church with departments dedicated to exiles, shamanism in Yakutia, as well as the life of the Yakuts.

The second church in the complex is the wooden Vladimirskaya (Innokentyevskaya), which was built in the 18th century and moved to a museum from the village. Walba. Within a year from the time the museum was created, everything was restored, including the original iconostasis. At the church there are ancient bells, collected from all over the country, who call on holidays

Practical information

Once you have found yourself in the village of Cherkeh (Tattinsky ulus), you definitely will not miss the museum. You can get there by car, first crossing to the other bank of Lena, in Nizhny Bestyah, and then following from Yakutsk along the federal highway M-56 "Kolyma" to Magadan. It will take about 230 km.