Add a review about the Resurrection Church in Ostashkov

On the picturesque shore of Seliger there is a truly unique ensemble: two stone churches - intricately pretentious and ascetic strictly - with two belfries. One of them is spectacularly distinguished by its impressive tented bell tower and rich decoration - this is the Resurrection Cathedral favorite by Ostashkov.

The end of the 17th century is marked by the active erection of stone churches in Ostashkov, the very first of which was the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ with the bell tower

Historical reference

The end of the 17th century is marked by the active erection of stone churches in Ostashkov, the very first of which was the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ bell tower - the construction of the church was completed in 1689

In those years the Resurrection Cathedral was considered to be the largest and majestic church building in Tver province.

A bit later he had a stone neighbor - the Trinity Cathedral. In general, the erection of two stone churches at once for a modest-sized Ostashkov became a truly extraordinary event. In subsequent years, the Ascension Cathedral several times expanded, the final reconstruction was followed in the middle of the 19th century, as a result of which the Old Russian style of the church was replaced by a new, more classic.

The history of the church in the Soviet years does not break out of a number of other tragic stories that happened to the Russian churches : with the advent of Soviet power, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ was closed, the luxurious wall painting was plastered, and the temple premises were handed over to Ostashkovtorg's warehouses.

Architectural appearance of the Resurrection Cathedral

The Church of the Resurrection had the characteristic features of the famous Russian ornament: the intricate forms, abundance and elegance of the decor, the picturesqueness of the silhouette.

On the days of church holidays the cathedral walls and windows were beautifully illuminated, which gave the temple a special charm.

In the middle of the 19th century during the many architectural details were knocked down and replaced with new ones, and the temple acquired a more strict modern look, but the bell tower of the cathedral retained its Old Russian outlines: an octagonal pillar made in the Gothic style is crowned with an openwork tent, and each facet is decorated with arches, half-columns and window frames.

Cathedral painting

Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ was painted by Ostashkov's masters; the painters made its interiors colorful and alive (in contrast to the neighboring Trinity Cathedral, where the painting was more formal and gloomy). In the 1960-1980-ies. in the cathedral, restoration work was carried out to restore painted wall paintings in Soviet times, as a result of which the compositions on the theme of the Passion of Christ, which are of great artistic and historical value, were cleared.

Voznesensky and Troitsky cathedrals are the only stone buildings of Ostashkov, century, which have survived to our days.

How to get to

Address: Ostashkov, ul. Volodarsky, 5.

You can get to the cathedral by bus number 3 (stop "Rechnoy Vokzal"), from there you need to walk about 500 m.