Add a review about Starovoznesenskaya church in Torzhok

On the elevation of the right bank of the river Tvertsy there is a monument of wooden Russian architecture - and the current Old Believer church in Torzhok, or the Church of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God

The first mention of this church in Torzhok refers to 1653 year. It was built, as they say, without a single nail. Since the church was wooden, there were many reconstructions and reconstructions, but according to the preserved ceiling painting of the 18th century, it can be judged that the current building of the Old Church Church is not younger than the 18th century.

In honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, the church was consecrated in 1883.

Winter Torzhok: cityscapes and temples

Old-timeless church is not ceremonial, without gilded ornaments and crosses, but it attracts with its natural purity and quality of work of Russian architects.

Inside it is necessary to pay attention to high painted ceiling and and an octagonal niche with the image of the Trinity.

Starovoznesensky served in church on Sundays. There is also a souvenir shop with handmade items.