Sandunovskie baths, perhaps the most famous of the Moscow baths. They are named after the actor who built them, the Force of Sandunov, who worked at the court of Catherine II. According to rumors, his play and the talent of his wife, singer Elizabeth Uranova, the Empress was so delighted that she took an active part in the life of a married couple. At the wedding, she gave Elizabeth jewelry, thanks to the sale of which the baths were built.

They were erected in 1806 and over the next 90 years many owners changed, until finally they fell into the hands of AN Ganetsky. He decided to demolish the existing baths and build new ones instead of them, which would exceed all that existed then in Russia.

In 1896 the construction was completed. The resulting complex of baths was located in a large three-story building, in which, in addition to the baths themselves, there were rooms, rented apartments, a reading room, hairdressers, rest rooms, several offices and a shop.

Sandunovskie baths were distinguished by strict adherence to the existing standards of hygiene . @ Everything that was in the steam rooms and soap rooms, you could wash or wash - which was not so usual for that time . To access the clean water, a separate water pipe was laid to the baths, and filters were installed internally th of the production . To get especially pure water, an artesian well was dug more than 200 meters deep . An amazingly powerful ventilation system operated in the Baths, and sanitary days were arranged twice a week .

 Sandunovsky Baths  Sandunovsky baths
 Sanduny  Sandunovsky baths
 Famous Sandunas  Sandunovskie baths

In the Soviet times baths mercilessly exploited atirovalis, and for their safety no one watching, so the end of XX century, they found significantly destroyed and have far less luxurious, like after the construction. In 1991, the baths were recognized as a monument of architecture, and since 1992 their restoration began. Now the baths are functioning again and, according to the management, try to adhere to their best traditions.

Interiors of Sandunovski baths

Address: Moscow, st. m. Lubyanka, st. Neglinnaya, 14, p. 3-7; tel .: (495) 625-46-31.

Visit: from 1200 rubles per 2 hours.