Add a review about the Ostashkov Museum of Local History

The time of the foundation of the museum of local lore in Ostashkov can be considered 1889 ., when a collection of paintings by local artists was collected at the city school . In 1919 Ostashkov opens an art historical museum, its funds, in which comes in the collection of the predecessor, are replenished with a variety of exhibits of historical and ethnographic value: articles made of bronze and porcelain, weapons, furniture items . In 1924 the Art and Historical Museum becomes the edge and some of the exhibits are exported to the state funds of Tver . Despite such losses, even in that difficult era, the Ostashkov Museum of Local Lore was able to preserve a large number of unique works of fine art .

The modern exposition of the Ostashkov Museum of Local History shows visitors traditions of crafts and crafts Seliger region, and also acquaints them with the historical traditions of Ostashkovshchina.

By 1928 the museum consisted of six departments: artistic, historical, ethnographic, economic, agricultural and the department of the revolution, and the museum collection numbered more than 10 thousand exhibits. Works on the replenishment of the collection, as well as the exhibition activities of the Ostashkov Museum did not cease until the outbreak of the war. In 1941 it was decided to close the museum, some of the exhibits to be evacuated, and some to store in the Znamensky convent.

Not all the evacuated items were recovered, some of them are still considered lost, but in 2010 a copy of the inventory of Ostashkov's museum valuables was found , sent to Gorky, so there remains hope of returning the missing home.

In 1947 the Ostashkov Museum came back to life and resumed its work, the visitors slenderly moved into this monastery of culture to learn their past and be proud of our . Yaschim

in 1977 became regional museum in Ostashkov significant, it was then under the museum exhibits was given to the building of the Holy Trinity Cathedral - an architectural monument of the 17th century. This event made it possible to mark out a lot of collections from the storerooms, because the exhibition space increased by an entire 1000 sq. M. m.

Museum exposition

The modern exposition of the Ostashkov museum of local lore demonstrates the traditions of crafts and crafts of the Seliger region to visitors, as well as introduces them to the historical traditions of Ostashkovshchina. At the exhibition stands you can find archaeological finds related to the Stone Age. Of particular value is a collection of 64 samovars from the 19th and 20th centuries, a collection of old spinning wheels, and an extensive collection of works of fine art by local artists dating from the late 18th century to the present day.

In the bell tower of the Trinity Cathedral, which is also open to visitors , there is a permanent exhibition "Ostashkov Bells and Bells", there are models of church towers and monasteries of the Tver Region.

In addition, there is an observation deck on the bell tower, from where you can admire a panoramic view on Ostashkov and the water area of ​​Seliger.

Useful information

Address: Tverskaya oblast, Ostashkov, ul. Volodarsky, 19.

Phone: +7 (48235) 5-16-46.

Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 11: 00-17: 00, Tuesday: Excursion day on prior requests, Monday: Day off.

Entrance: 50 RUB, reduced: 15 RUB, for children: 10 RUB. The ticket to visit the bell tower costs 30 RUR.

You can get to the museum located in the historical part of Ostashkov by bus No. 1 and 3 and by shuttle bus.