Add a review about the House Museum of N. Roerich in the Altai

Nikolai Roerich, whose paintings are known to all of us since school, was not only an artist . This person combined the talents of the writer and director, interest in philosophy and public culture and the past of our civilization . Roerich was interested in the East from his youth and subsequently organized the Central Asian expedition that lasted from 1923 to 1928 . The route of the expedition that covered India, Mongolia, Tibet and China, passed through the Altai . In the summer of 1926 . expedition tions was in the Altai village of Upper Uimon where to stay for 12 days . to the base camp at that time, was turned into a house of a merchant Atamanova .

Expedition Roerich became one of the largest research enterprises of the 20th century. In it unique materials were collected, the longest route was passed, including on not researched areas. As a result of his stay in the Altai, Roerich wrote a book "Altai-Himalayas" and created a number of paintings.

In the permanent exposition of the museum there are paintings of N.K. Roerich and his son Svyatoslav who also participated in the expedition.

Later repressions of the Soviet years, the estate remained without its owner and gradually fell into decay. In the end, the wooden house rotted almost completely. In 1990, the Siberian Roerich Society was able to proceed with the restoration of the building and organization of the museum. The house was dismantled and neatly restored in its original form, according to the photographs. Only a few logs, window sills and window frames remained original

Restoration of the house was carried out on private donations of Siberians and other residents of Russia and abroad

For the following years the house museum became part of the complex named after Nicholas Roerich and his wife "The Heritage of Altai Along with the museum of local lore and the museum of history and culture (all three are in the same village) . Museum N . K . Roerich has become an important cultural center where various events take place, including exhibitions, concerts of Roerich music, ethnographic and archaeological seminars, as well as training classes of traditional arts and crafts of the province . In addition, the museum is also a scientific center where work is under way to study and preserve the local culture .

In the permanent exposition of the museum there are paintings by N.K. Roerich and his son Svyatoslav, also participated in the expedition. A separate room is dedicated to Elena Ivanovna, the traveler's wife, who also accompanied him. In addition, the museum can see exhibitions that introduce visitors to the faith of the Old Believers and the movement created by Roerich himself. Also here is the archive of photographic materials - a kind of unique chronicle of the Roerich expedition, to which the museum in Upper Uymon was enriched thanks to the help of the Roerich Museum in New York.

Through the N. Roerich Museum in Upper Uymon there are many tourist routes along the Altai. Yes, and in itself a village, founded in 1796 by the Old Believers, is worth a visit. Here you can see wooden houses of the 19-20th centuries, which were built according to the lunar calendar from special types of wood. In some of them even the murals of the local craftswoman, whose work was admired by Roerich himself, have been preserved.

In the house museum you can buy biographical publications and books about Roerich's teachings and his travels. Also here are sold products of folk crafts - figurines carved from stone.

Practical information

Address: p. Verkh-Uimon, Naberezhnaya, 22.

Entrance: 50 RUB.