Add a review about the Ivan Shishkin House Museum

The great Russian artist Ivan Shishkin was born and raised in Elabuga, having lived here until 1852 . He was descended from the ancient merchant family Shishkin, his father, Ivan Vasilyevich, did a lot of useful work for Yelabuga, constantly sacrificing funds for preserving and exaggeration of her story . In the merchant's house where Ivan spent his childhood and youth until he left to study in Moscow, in 1975 the museum of the artist's memory . was opened . He is part of an educated Later, a full-fledged memorial complex, including the monument to the artist, the picture gallery of his name and the park Shishkinsky ponds .

Ivan Shishkin's house museum is the only one in Russia, it is located in a mansion built in 1836. In 1850 the house was badly damaged by fire, but it was restored and significantly expanded - so it took a modern look. Near the house there is a monument to Ivan Shishkin - the bronze statue of the artist in full growth, installed here in 1991, and a little further - the natural sight of Yelabuga, recreation area Shishkinsky ponds.

Ivan Shishkin was born and raised in Yelabuga, he came from an ancient and his father made a lot of useful for the city, constantly sacrificing funds for the preservation and exaggeration of its history.

The house museum is a two-story building, and both floors are occupied by the exposition. On the first floor - the rooms, called the reception rooms during the lifetime of the artist, is a large living room for solemn events, a small living room for family gatherings, the office of Ivan Vasilyevich Shishkin, the father of the artist, as well as a dining room and a pantry room. On the second floor is the room of the artist himself, where he lived, his studio, where he created, and the picture gallery, divided into two halls - graphics and paintings.

The large living room is furnished with real antiques - mahogany furniture of the 30s. 19th century. Here the merchant Ivan Vasilyevich Shishkin received his associates - the Staheevs, Ushkovs, Girbasovs, as well as the people of art - Osokin, Gun, the Vereshchagin brothers. The walls of the large living room are decorated with original paintings of many of them. The small living room is much more cozy and homely, the entire family has spent the evenings here, chatting leisurely, playing table games, doing needlework.

In the study of merchant Ivan Vasilyevich there is a book on the table "History of Yelabuga", which he wrote himself in 1871

The dining room and the buffet were the "dwelling place" for the artist's mother, Daria Romanovna, but the room of the artist himself was surprisingly small and modestly furnished. The small size is different and the workshop of Ivan Shishkin, where he created. In the living room on the walls hang the self-portraits of the artist, and in the studio - portraits of two wives and daughters.

Virtual tour around the neighborhood of Ivan Shishkin's house museum

Practical information

It's easy to get to the Ivan Shishkin Memorial Museum - it is located in the central part of the city, on the picturesque Naberezhnaya street. It is best to visit the museum as a part of a group excursion with a guide.

Cost of admission ticket is 200 RUB.

Working hours: every day except Monday, from 9:00 to 18:00.

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, г Elabuga Str. Naberezhnaya, 12.

Phone: +7 (855) 577-05-47.

All prices are indicated as of January 2015