Add a review about elk family on Rasskazovsky Highway

Even in the 60s of the 20th century, at the entrance to the city from the side of Penza appeared a concrete figure of an elk - originally it was just a brand name of a nearby fur farm, but it quickly became one of the symbols of the city - here were appointed meetings of mushroom pickers, and the newlyweds included this place in the program of holiday skating and photo shoots . At first the elk had real horns, which, however, were quickly stolen from the concrete symbol of the Tambov forest . In 2011 . the monument was updated : by Order of the Forestry Administration sculptors . Paramonov and . Kulaev developed a new project of the "Tambov Elk": now on a small hill above the line with the inscription "Tambov Forestry" adorns a whole family of elks: the moose itself (with horns made of concrete to thieves was nepovadno), moose and lobster . The whole sculptural composition is made of concrete, painted in ocher color, in harmony with the surrounding pines .

Address: Tambov, Rasskazovskoe shosse.