Add a review about Alexandrovsky Park in Yelabuga

Today Alexandrovsky Park in Yelabuga is a favorite place for rest of local residents and tourists coming here. However, before he became so, the park experienced several "ups and downs" - from its foundation in the distant 1856 to the desolation and vice versa - until the revival. There is a park in the central part of Yelabuga, its history is very interesting and fascinating, because it is the oldest park-garden in the city.

The official name of this picturesque place is the city park Alexander Garden. It was founded in honor of the solemn coronation of Emperor Alexander II. However, the Elabuzhans did not pay much attention to the park - neither by their visits, nor by the elementary care of the territory. But exactly 10 years later, one significant event happened, thanks to which Aleksandrovsky Park gets its second birth.

Before Aleksandrovsky Park became a favorite vacation spot for residents and guests of Yelabuga, he experienced several "ups and downs" - from his foundation in the distant 1856 until desolation and vice versa - until rebirth.

The fact is that in 1866 an attempt was made on Alexander II. In St. Petersburg Dmitry Karakozov shot at him, but at the last moment the student of the hatter pushed the revolutionist's hand away, and the bullet passed by. This incident caused a huge resonance among all sections of the population, and the salvation of the emperor and the fact that he was alive, began to be considered a real miracle. In honor of this incident in Yelabuga, it was decided to tidy up the Alexander Park, which had been fully launched for 10 years.

The Garden was significantly expanded and ennobled by decorating it in English landscape style of landscape design. This style implied the unity of a landscaped area with wild nature: shrubs and trees were not sheared, and park paths were laid in accordance with the relief of the site, because they were so tortuous. Since then, Alexandrovsky Park has really become a favorite place for walks of local residents.

In the heart of the garden was a theater built of wood, unfortunately, it completely burned down in the middle of the last century.

In the 80s. In the last century, carousels were installed in the Aleksandrovsky Park, among which there is a tall Ferris wheel. It was called Chertov not because such structures are called around the world, but because from its top point a magnificent panorama of Chertovo fortress is opened - the famous archaeological site of Elabuga.

Aleksandrovsky Park

In the 90s . The park was again forgotten and launched, it became a real wild garden. And only after the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Yelabuga in 2007, he was again noticed. By 2010 the park was cleared, a bridge and a fountain were installed here, restored paths, put out benches, and conducted lighting. Today guests of the city and its residents like to relax in the park, city parties are held in the park.

Practical information

It's easy to get to Alexandrovsky Park - it is located in the central part of the city, along Naberezhnaya Street. Nearby is the Memorial Trinity Cemetery and the monument to Nadezhda Durova. It is most convenient to visit the park as part of a sightseeing tour around Yelabuga.

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Elabuga, ul. Embankment.