Add a review about the Vereshchagin House Museum in Cherepovets

This building was built in the first third of the 19th century, and it was in it in 1842 that the famous battle-painter and writer Vasily Vereshchagin was born. The estate was owned by the Vereshchagin family for half a century. In the post-revolutionary period until 1984, a communal house was built in the building, and in 1960 the house was given the status of a monument of federal significance.

The museum itself occupies two buildings: the two-story main Memorial House and the neighboring House of Creativity. The wooden house of the Lord, decorated on the facade with contrasting pilasters, tried to make from inside as much as possible the one in which the artist lived. When restoring the interior guided by the autobiography of Vereshchagin's "Childhood and adolescence." In addition, the territory of the estate includes six more buildings, including a bath, a well, a gazebo, and a flower garden in the garden and a garden with medicinal herbs.

The artist traveled a lot, served in the army and took part in hostilities, wrote 12 books and a lot of articles that were published both in Russia and abroad

The collection of the museum began its history from 1927 ., when the city museum received a gift from the descendant of the artist several images . Afterwards the collection was expanded due to exhibits from the former Petrovka estate . First exhibition and in the museum opened in 1984 . By that time the administration managed to restore the father's office and the mother's room of the artist . And in 1992 ., to the 150th anniversary of Vereshchagin, a full-fledged memorial complex consisting of two buildings . Today the museum has two permanent exposition "The Vereshchagin family" and "World . War . Family" . Most of the museum exhibits are reproductions of the most famous Vereshchagin's paintings, as well as photographic materials and other documents .

Vasily Vereshchagin's paintings

Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin was outstanding an artist, one of the most famous Russian batalists. He traveled a lot, served in the army and participated in military operations, wrote 12 books and many articles that appeared both in Russia and abroad. Vereshchagin's works can now be seen in museums around the world: for example, the picture "The Prince of Wales's entry into Jaipur in 1846" is in Calcutta, at the Victoria Memorial, and remains the largest oil painting in India.

Not it is worth confusing two artists: Permyak Vasily Petrovich Vereshchagin, a contemporary of Vasily Vasilievich, wrote paintings on historical themes and portraits.

In the memorial museum you can learn not only about the life of a famous artist. For example, Vereschagin's older brother Nikolai also became famous, although in quite another area: he was an outstanding master and connoisseur of cheese making. It is he who can be called one of the founders of the dairy industry in Russia.

Practical information

Address: st. Socialist, 22, 28.

The museum can be reached by buses No. 1, 2, 4, 8, 23, 31, 37.

Working hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 - 17:30.

Entrance: visiting two museum buildings without an excursion: 80 RUB for adults, 50 RUB for beneficiaries; a visit to one building with an excursion: 100 RUB for adults, 80 RUB for beneficiaries (February 2015).