Add a review about the Gal'skikh Manor

The Historical and Ethnographic Museum "The Gal'sky Estate" was opened in Cherepovets in 2009 . after 20 years of restoration work . The beautiful building in which the museum is located has a rich history . @ It was built in the 1830s by . landlord Kudryav as a country house, but 20 years later the building was taken over by the noblemen Galsky . This is a unique architectural masterpiece of wooden architecture, a sample of provincial classicism, which has survived to this day almost untouched . And the whole estate as a whole with an adjacent territory is a harmonious architectural and landscape complex .

At the last owner of the manor flourished as a rich economy, which products are brought for sale, even in the capital. After the revolution, the estate was guarded by the state, and in the building there were consistently technical schools, the management of the state farm and a hostel. In the late 1990s. the building was declared a monument of federal importance and a museum

This is a unique architectural masterpiece of wooden architecture, a sample of provincial classicism that has survived to this day almost untouched

The wooden building of the manor, harmonious and strict, boasts a beautiful symmetrical central facade with portico, which supports six columns in antique style with capitals of the Doric order. The high plinth of the portico is raised to the level of the first floor. On the southern facade you can see galleries with a terrace-balcony. Inside the mansion there are enfilades of rooms, an original staircase to the second floor decorated with antique handrails, doors with panels and stoves laid out with a tile.

Maslenitsa in 2014 at the Gal'skikh Manor

On the first floor of the museum there is an exposition "Ethnography" where mostly collected items from a private collection. On the second floor of the estate you can see the exposition, in which we tried to recreate the noble way of life of a century and a half ago. The exposition is called "Family history - the history of Russia."

The museum can be viewed with an excursion, as well as the territory of the estate. Also excursions are conducted in the stable, where you can ride horses. At the museum, an equestrian section was opened, as well as a ceramic studio for children.

At the opening of the museum, we tried to recreate the atmosphere of 150 years ago: ladies and gentlemen in the suits of that era, all who wanted to ride in a horse-drawn carriage, and conducted dances.

With the opening of the manor house as a museum, the work on restoring the manor did not end. The city authorities have big plans on this matter, and the restoration work, apparently, will continue for quite some time. It is planned to restore service and outbuildings: stables, kitchens, manager's house, barn. In the far-reaching plans - the creation of the embankment, the restoration of the orchard on the territory of the manor, oil mills and smithies.

Townspeople helped to restore the museum. In particular, all the flowers and seedlings around the manor estate were brought by cherepovets, and many exhibits of the museum were transferred to him by private persons.

Practical information

Address: ul. Maturinskaya, 29.

You can get to the manor by buses No. 7, 14, 16-18, 23, 25, 201, 205.

Working hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 - 17:30.

Entrance: 80 RUB for adults, 40 RUB for beneficiaries, barn visit: 50 RUB for adults, 30 RUB for beneficiaries, visit to the gazebo with museum worker: RUB 100 @. @