A small but already very popular resort on the Elshanka River attracts not only an amazing and harmonious cocktail of Russian and Kazakh cultures, but also an indescribable identity and seclusion. Sol-Iletsk, one leg of which modestly stepped onto the steppe expanses of Kazakhstan, and the second firmly stands on the territory of the Orenburg region, opens its hospitable embrace from May to September. I do not believe that about 30 thousand tourists visit these places each summer


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Sol-Iletsk
  • 2 Salt Lake Sal- Iletska
    • 2.1 Lake Razval
    • 2.2 Lake Dunino
    • 2.3 Lake Tuzlunnoye
    • 2.4 Lake New
    • 2.5 City Lakes
  • 3 Neighborhoods
    • 3.1 Forest Shubaragach
    • 3.2 Also we recommend

How to get here

You can get there first of all by train, you need to go to Iletsk-1 station, from which is half an hour's drive to Lake Razval

Orenburg can also be reached by shuttle buses that depart from the bus station every 15-20 minutes. The journey will take an hour. Developed in the region and the bus service: the flight "Togliatti - Samara - Sol-Iletsk" goes on Thurs. at 21.00 and all. at 06.00. Return to Tolyatti can be in Fri. at 13.00 and in the Sun. at 17:00. The cost of the ticket is 1090 rubles

Search for airline tickets to Sol-Iletsk

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Sol-Iletska Lakes

The main riches of the region are salty and mud lakes, the level of salt easily reaches the Dead Sea bar. The region consists of six lakes of the Iletsky salt dome, among which Lake Razval and Novo are classified as saline mineral (rape), Tuzluchnoye and Dunino have mud and brine, and the Great and Small town lakes are considered to be poorly mineralized.

The entrance to the lake territory is paid, but Do not be afraid: a visit costs 100 rubles per person, a place in the VIP zone will cost 200 rubles. There are deckchairs, showers, a medical center, a cafe, and as for the sanatorium, you have to adjust for a minimum seven-day course. The cost of staying in the mud bath is 350 rubles per day. You can also stop by locals by taking a room. With proposals for the shelter, tourists are waiting near the village of Elshanka.

On the shore of one of the lakes there is even an aquapark with attractive attractions, especially deft entrepreneurs are ready to ride you on camels

Lake Razval

The pearl of the lake diadem of Sol-Iletska is Lake Razval, formed on the site of salt extraction in Tuztube mountain. Due to the high density of water, a person immersed in water does not sink, balancing on the surface and without exerting any effort. Another feature is the negative temperature of the deep-water water even in a strong summer heat,

It is about -12 degrees, but in the winter time the Ramp does not freeze, even if the temperature drops below 40 degrees. The waters of the lake are devoid of any manifestation of life, its edge is framed by a picturesque sandy beach, covered with salt spray. The value of the lake lies in the unique hypersmolar, antimicrobial properties of water, purifying the mucous membranes and skin. Specialists of local hospitals warn that it is necessary to dive with caution and only to the breast level to protect the heart from unnecessary loads.

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Lake Dunino

Bunnoe Lake Dunino is rich in a variety of salts . In addition, microscopic red shrimps of Artemia live in its waters, due to the efforts of which water has a soothing effect .It is especially useful to dip into this lake for people with increased irritability, suffering from nervous breakdowns of hysterics, susceptible to peptic ulcer disease, skin diseases and initial manifestations of hypertension. . A very young lake appeared on the spot of Dunkin field and is actively fed by atmospheric precipitation and underground waters of the Peschanka River @ .@@

The peculiarity of the lake is the high concentration of bromine

Lake Tuzluchnoe

The main "magic" component of Lake Tuzlunniy is a collid complex, which includes sulfur sulphide, silicic acid, tiny clay particles, hormones and biogenic stimulators. The therapeutic mud successfully fights against scars and ulcers, improving the joints condition, stopping chronic pain syndromes. In addition, the Tuzlonnoe Lake is thermal, the temperature at the bottom in summer can reach 60 degrees. The main treatment method offered by the hospitals of this lake is balneotherapy based on the use of sodium chloride baths

Lake Novoe

Lake Novoe, first which was underground, and then, filling the abandoned mine with water. The old chamber, which gradually stepped out, expands its waters to the sun's rays. Well, what city can boast of the fact that in its center, not far from the pretty squares and the local house of culture, splashes a real mineral lake

City Lakes

Sol-Iletsk is proud of its analogue of the Caspian Sea - a lake called Maly Urban. It is logical that in the city it is worthwhile to look for the Big city water, which in turn is a great way to cool in hot weather or to catch crayfish to a beer.

3 things that are worth doing in Sol-Iletsk
  1. Arrange yourself medical procedures according to the following scheme: we dive into the lake Dunino, where the water is brackishly-soft, then we plunge into the lake Razval, then we go to the beaches of the Small town lake.
  2. To stand in the environment of the stone balls of Bukobaysky yarov.
  3. Arrange a voyage to Mount Zmeinaya for the growth of belemnites and ammonite shells that inhabited the sea of ​​the Jurassic period, where this natural wealth is plentiful.


One of the recognized natural monuments located near the resort is the Bukobaisky Yar, sediments of the middle Upper Triassic Mesozoic era. They need to be found near the village of Belyaevka. What is interesting about them? Amazing sharogolovye sculptures created by nature.

ancient history breathe some particularly interesting towns Sol-Iletsk area that archaeologists refer to the Jurassic period. The best place for research is the right bank of the Berdyanka River, especially the district that is between the villages of Mikhailovka and Belyaevka. It is here that there is the Zmeinaya Mountain, which has a number of names: the Khan mountain, the grave of the khan, the Mikhailovsky mountain. Here the bones of large marine mouth disease were found.

10 km from the village Perovka and 2 km to the north of the former village of Cool is the Holy stone on Mount Aleutas that surrounds the tract, impending gloomy stone blocks on the river Kura. This mystical place is a sanctuary of the Gentiles.

Shubaragach Forest 20 km from the city between the rivers Ilek and Small Hobday a rainbow casts forest called Shubaragach, which in Kazakh means "Mottled Wood" . Flora shubaragashskoy forest dacha, indeed, surprisingly rich and diverse . Colorful red and gold crimson with the overflow of emerald greenery is breathtaking . Among this pristine beauty even the representatives of the Red Book of Russia grow: the wader of Zalessky, the feather-grass, the feather grass, the feather grass konogo sclerophyllous, grouse Russian, Schrenk tulip, dwarf iris, larkspur Ural, lumbago meadow, bloodroot Eversmann, macranthon Hedysarum, Hedysarum Razumovsky, the Volga calophaca . Photos Sol-Iletsk (17)