Add a review about the Mordovian Republican Local History Museum

Museum of Local Lore . . . Voronina in Saransk - one of the largest museums in the republic . Its history began in 1918 as . as a uyezd museum . Originally a tiny museum occupied a room in the house of a petty bourgeois at the present Worker Street . For the first time the museum opened the doors in 1919 .: an exhibition of porcelain, painting, plastics and other objects brought here from the clan mansions . @ After the revolution, the museum developed and expanded: as early as 1922, . in its background About 2, 5 thousand items . were collected at the same time . At the same time the museum moved to the house of M . Nikitin at the present Bolshevik street . At it were opened terrariums, library, photo lab, the botanic garden was destroyed . @ In the following years, the institution was repeatedly moved from the building to the building until it finally "settled" in 1935 . on Moscow street, in the former Nizhnekazanskaya (Three Saints) church, an architectural monument of the 18th century .

In the local history museum you can see collections of arts and crafts, paintings, sculptures, furniture, books, ancient household items, archaeological finds from ancient burial grounds

Today the collections of the museum are extremely extensive and diverse . Here you can see collections of decorative and applied art, painting, sculpture, furniture, books, ancient household items, archaeological finds from ancient burial grounds . @ In the collection of ancient weapons you can see the most interesting specimens: for example, Tula pistols of the 19th century, Spanish pistols of the 17th century, Smith and Wesson 1880 g ., and daggers and swords . In the numismatic collection not only coins including silver from the treasures since the 14th century), but also orders and insignia . Very interesting is the collection of watches, where you can see the pocket mechanisms of the 19th century in Switzerland, the ornate sculptural fireplace clock of both domestic and foreign production, including the company's products Moser, and the canon Soviet alarm clock from the metal of the 1920s . release .

Report on Maslenitski excursions for children in the museum of local lore

The museum exposition begins with a hall dedicated to the Mordovian wedding. Passing through the following halls, you can trace the history of the development of the region from the earliest time and ending with the present. The exposition opens with an exhibition of archaeological finds, where you can see items from the stone and to the Iron Age. Then Saransk appears in the expositions: first as a wooden fortress, then as a prerevolutionary city, where the Decembrists exiled.

The "chicken hut", where the peasant interior was reconstructed centuries ago, is especially interesting for visitors.

On the second floor you can get acquainted with the history of the 20th century since the revolution. Here you can find documents and photos, as well as personal items. Also on the second floor there are halls devoted to logistical work during the Great Patriotic War, industry of Mordovia and the nature of the region. In the latter, the diorama of the Mordovian forest is changing with the change of the time of the day.

The Museum of Local Lore is visited by 65 thousand people every year: scientific and educational activities and lectures are constantly held here

Practical information

Address: Moscow, 48.

Working hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, except Monday. The ticket office closes at 17:00.

Entrance: 20 RUB for preschoolers, 35 RUB for pupils and students, 80 RUB for adults (February 2015).