Add a review about the Park Poddubny

Park im. Poddubny is considered one of the business cards of Yeysk. Tourists and locals come here at any time of the year. Yechane is so fond of this place that they even came up with another very beautiful name for it: "Smile of the city."

One of the main attractions of Yeisk is the museum of the famous athlete Ivan Poddubny.

This is one of the oldest parks Kuban - it was founded back in 1898 . Then it was called a city park . Today the main plus of the park is . Poddubny - a lot of different attractions . And the prices for tickets are quite acceptable . The wheel is very popular reviews, with There is a beautiful view of the city . By the way, a wheel was made at the local Attraction plant . This is the only Russian company that specializes in making rides . There is a real expanse for children here . There is even an ostrich farm where African ostriches, peacocks, parrots, porcupines, badgers and many other birds and animals .


On the territory of the park there is one of the main city sights - the museum of the famous athlete Ivan Poddubny. Ivan Maksimovich was a great man in every sense of the word. The wrestler Poddubny did not know the defeats - he did not lose a single championship for 40 years of performances. The sportsman moved to Yeysk in 1927 and became very fond of this city.

Here you can find out a lot of interesting information about the life of this great man. The exposition of the museum is permanent and includes Ivan Maximovitch's personal possessions, awards, sports equipment, unique photographs, posters and much more. In total, the museum collected more than 2500 exhibits. Of particular interest are the huge chains that the athlete easily tore, the broken horseshoe and, of course, the famous cast-iron cane.

There are legends about this exhibit. Once Ivan Poddubny came to New York. At the airport, he was already waiting for a crowd of journalists and photographers. One of the reporters, he offered to hold his cane. However, the journalist dropped it from surprise - he was extremely surprised that a plain cane can weigh 19.5 kg.

It is worth noting that this is the only museum in Russia dedicated to one athlete. On the first floor of the building are engaged followers Poddubnoye - wrestlers children's and youth sports school.

Park named after. Poddubny often serves as a venue for all kinds of exhibitions, concerts and cultural events in the city.

In this big park it is comfortable absolutely for everyone. Here you can relax fun and actively, or you can just relax peacefully in the silence of shady avenues. In addition, in the park. There are many souvenir shops in Poddubny where you can choose small gifts and pleasant trifles for friends and relatives.

How to get to

The following public transport routes go to the park: № 1, 4, 7, 11, 14. " Poddubny. "

 Poddubny Park, Yeisk  Poddubny Park
Poddubny Park
 Cinderella Cave, Poddubny Park, Yeisk  Poddubny Park
Cinderella Cradle, Poddubny Park
 Ferris Wheel, Poddubny Park, Yeisk  Poddubny Park
The Ferris Wheel, Poddubniy Park