Add a review about the Holy Trinity Cathedral Diveevo

Many miracles are associated with the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, but still its main attraction is the majestic Holy Trinity Cathedral, the main cathedral of the community in which the ark with the relics of the Sarov elders is kept, including number and Seraphim of Sarov.

The place for the cathedral of the Monk Seraphim, as well as the Holy Canal, was pointed out by the Mother of God either in a dream or in a vision. The elder bought the land for his future money with his own money, and ordered the merchant's document to be kept until the time came.

Five-domed Holy Trinity Cathedral in Diveevo was built on the design of architect A. Rezanov, who took part in the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the capital. Therefore, it is impossible not to note the similarity of the Diveevsky cathedral to the Moscow church.

About the Holy Trinity Cathedral Seraphim of Sarov told the sisters that it would be such a magnificent cathedral that even the elders of the Sarov desert would envy it.

The place for the cathedral of St. Seraphim, as and with the Holy Canal, the Mother of God pointed out whether in a dream or in a vision. The land was bought by the elder for his future money with his own money, and he ordered the merchant document to be kept until the time came. The cathedral was attempted to be made in 1848, but apparently time had not yet come, so the cathedral was postponed until 1865.

Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery

Originally the Holy Trinity Cathedral was built as a summer temple, pilgrims on summer holidays. Since 1875, the temple has earned, and it began to perform services. The interior of the cathedral is unique for Russian churches, as it is decorated with paintings on large canvases, and not on the walls.

The cathedral houses one of the main Diveevo shrines - the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness", which was transported to the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery from Sarov Desert after the corporal death of Seraphim of Sarov. Before this miraculous image the monk prayed all his life, being inside and out of the gate.

The icon is clad in a gold frame with precious stones - a gift to the monastery from Emperor Nicholas II On the icon the Virgin is depicted at the time of the Annunciation before the archangel Gabriel and pronounces the words: "This is the servant of the Lord, wake me according to your verb."