Add a review about the Gelendzhik Museum of History and Local History

The Gelendzhik Museum of Local History has recently celebrated its 100th anniversary - it happened in 2009. For 105 years of its existence, the museum has survived a lot, its history is very interesting and fascinating. This museum is rightfully considered the main museum attraction of Gelendzhik and includes many components. In addition to the City Exhibition Hall along Ostrovsky Street, the museum includes open-air expositions, as well as the Korolenko Family Estate complex

The museum collection is dedicated to ancient history (the people of Adygeya) and the more modern one - the Caucasian War and the Great Patriotic War, and also nature studies - ornithology, entomology, zoology. There is also a library in which rare books, an archive, a department of scientific work are stored. In total, the museum's collections (if you take into account only the City Exhibition Hall) there are about 90 thousand items. Any sightseeing tour around the city will include a visit to the Gelendzhik Historical and Local History Museum

The Gelendzhik Museum of History and Local History recently celebrated its 100th anniversary - it happened in 2009

For the whole history of its existence the museum has multiplied its priceless collections, then lost them when moving and closing the museum. The Gelendzhik Museum of Local History moved four times, but closed for more or less prolonged breaks twice. Unfortunately, until today only a part of all the funds that were collected at the foundation of the museum, but its collections were replenished with more modern exhibits.

Surprisingly, the museum was founded by the owners of summer cottages. Then in the area where the beautiful and large city of Gelendzhik is now located, there was only a holiday village. However, in a warm climate many summer residents spent here not only summer, but also all the year round, gradually moving to a permanent place of residence. Thus a settlement was formed, and the Natural History Museum was opened in 1909.

Already in 1913, at one of the exhibitions in St. Petersburg, where the Gelendzhik Museum was exhibited, he received a small gold medal for the uniqueness and the completeness of its natural collection.

During the First World War the museum was closed, its exhibits were kept in a safe place. Once again the museum was opened only in 1920 in the building where the printing house was located later, in the center of the city. Throughout the 1930s, the museum received its greatest development and expansion, its collection numbered more than 9 thousand exhibits by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Gelendzhik Museum of History and Local History

The years of the Great Patriotic War were truly devastating for the museum - from the original collection there was practically nothing left. Only in 1949 the museum was opened again, having done a really tremendous job in order to assemble a new exposition. Years passed, and the museum was constantly replenished with new subjects of history and natural science, new departments were opened. Today the museum is one of the most interesting sights of Gelendzhik.

Practical information

It's easy to get to the Gelendzhik Museum of History and Local Lore - it is located in the central part of the resort. Any sightseeing tour around the city does not ignore this museum attraction.

Address: Krasnodar Region, Gelendzhik, ul. Ostrovsky, 1.

Phone: +7 (861-41) 213-61, 213-62.

Admission: adults - 250 RUB, children - 100 RUB. Discounts are provided to privileged groups of the population and a free visit.

Working hours: every day from 9:00 to 18:00, except weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and public holidays

All prices are indicated for January 2015