Add a review about the ethnographic museum "Kuban farm"

First of all, in Yeisk come for the sake of the sea and the beautiful climate. But, you see, lying on the beach is a boring vacation. If you have already studied the city and looked at nearby attractions, then it's time to get acquainted with local traditions and customs. As in the Kuban, ethnotourism is becoming increasingly popular.

All guests are invariably shown a large exposition of the local Cossack museum "Kuban Compound". A guide in a national costume will tell about the history of the Kuban Cossacks, their way of life and traditions. There are a lot of different exhibits that characterize the life of the Cossacks.

Not far from Yeisk there is a kind of ethnographic museum "Kuban farm". Here you can see with your own eyes how and how the Cossacks live. Visiting the "Kuban farm" will be interesting for adults and children. First, you will learn a lot about the way of life and traditions of the local population. Secondly, you can arrange a picnic and have a great time in nature.

A stable, where ten thoroughbred horses live, is a special pride of the "Kuban farm". Everyone can learn how to ride horses. Of course, under the guidance of an experienced instructor. It will be interesting for children to watch the jigging of horses and ride on the cart.

In the "Kuban Farm" there is also a home farm, on which bred cows, pigs, rabbits, goats, sheep, rams and other animals. And of course, there is a bird's yard with chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks. The farm is especially popular with urban children, who rarely see the village fauna alive. Boys and girls come to full delight when they learn that the entire zoo can also be fed.

An apiary is located on the territory of the "Kuban farm". Guests are treated with delicious honey and talk about how the beekeeper and his wards work.

All visitors are sure to be shown a large exposition of the local Cossack museum "Kubanskoe Podvorie" . A guide in a national costume will tell about the history of the Kuban Cossacks, their way of life and traditions . Here are collected a lot of different exhibits, characterizing the life of the Cossacks . Clothes, household items, furniture, photographs, icons and much more specially for the needs of the museum collected throughout the Krasnodar Territory . It is interesting that all these things q All time were used by ordinary Cossack families, and only then became museum values ​​. True, for visiting the museum you will have to pay extra . Entrance: 200 RUB, for children: 150 RUB .

"Kuban farm" works in summer , and in the winter.

If you travel a large company, then you can rent a pavilion and have a picnic . Gazebos of different capacity - from 12 to 50 people . From you - provisions, and mangalas, skewers, barbecue, dishes and other the necessary things are included in the rental price . If you do not want to bother with the preparation of shish kebabs yourself, then you can ask to do it for you . Note, in the menu - exclusively Kuban dishes! Well, where else can you try such a yummy ?! In short, any whim for your money . While children are sporting on a specially equipped site, adults can soak in the bathhouse and listen to songs performed by folklore ensemble .

In the "Kuban Farm" you can stay for the night - there is all you need. Of course, not 5 stars, but with its color. The hotel is a wooden house with an interior in the Cossack style. The rooms are fully equipped - there is hot and cold water, toilet, air conditioning, refrigerator, kettle.

Address of "Kuban farm": Yeisk district, pos. Marine, st. Central, 9V.