Add a review about the Italian Palace in Kronstadt

Alexander Menshikov, the first governor of Kronstadt, had three palaces. This one is the most luxurious one. It was built in the 17th century and in our time has become an architectural monument. The palace was the official residence of the friend of Peter the Great. It was built by Italian masters, so the palace was nicknamed Italian.

This building is not to be envied - its owners have changed so many times that you wonder how the palace survived. By the way, here there was a navigational school, a cadet corps, a technical school, etc. The palace was constantly rebuilt, improved and customized for the needs of new owners.

Finally, somebody got tired of it, and the palace was badly damaged after the fire in 1922. And the cause of its occurrence is still unknown. A large beautiful building could not be completely restored. But still for the remainder you can judge the scope of the architectural thought of the Italians.

If you climb to the third floor of the building, you can see the harbor and the Kronstadt raid.

Address: 3 Makarovskaya St., Kronshtadt, St. Petersburg

 The Italian Palace in Kronstadt  The Italian Palace in Kronstadt
The Italian Palace in Kronstadt
 The facade, The Italian Palace in Kronstadt Kronstadt  Ital The Jan Palace in Kronstadt
The facade, The Italian Palace in Kronstadt