Let's go to Tsarskoe Selo! 
 Free, windy and drunk, 
 There are smiling lancers, 
 Jumping on a strong saddle 
 Let's go to Tsarskoe Selo! 

Osip Mandelshtam

Tsarskoe Selo, now the city of Pushkin in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, is by far the most famous literary symbol of Russia and another summer residence of Russian tsars on the map.

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  • 1 How to get to Tsarskoye Selo
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to the city of St. Petersburg (nearest a / p to Pushkin)
  • 2 Climate Pushkin
  • 3 Opening hours of the museum and ticket price
  • 4 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tsarskoe Selo
    • 4.1 St. Petersburg and surroundings

How to get to Tsarskoye Selo

By train from Vitebsk railway station to the station "Detskoye Selo", then by shuttle bus or bus number 371, 382 or by bus number 377.

From . m. "Moskovskaya" on the minibuses № 342, 545 to the "Tsarskoye Selo" or by bus No. 187 or by buses № 286, 287, 347 to the railway station of Pushkin and then by bus № 371, 382 or by route taxi № 371, 377, 382.

From Art. "Zvezdnaya" or "Kupchino" by bus No. 186.

From other suburbs: from Pavlovsk on bus number 513.

Search for tickets to the city of St. Petersburg (the nearest airport to Pushkin)

The climate of Pushkin

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct @ ноя дек
day - 5 - 4 + 1 + 8 + 16 + 20 + 22 + 20 + 15 + 8 + 2 - 2
at night - 11 - 10 - 5 + 1 + 7 + 11 + 14 + 13 + 8 + 3 - 2 - 7
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Opening hours of the museum-museum and ticket price

Ekaterininsky Park is open from 9.00 to 21.00. Entrance to the summer time until 18.00 paid - 100 rubles. Most of the expositions are open from 10.00 to 18.00, cash desks are closed an hour earlier. Ekaterininsky and Alexandrovsky palaces are closed on Tuesdays, each pavilion or exhibition has its day off once a week. Ticket to the Catherine Palace - 320 rubles., Tickets to almost all pavilions and to exhibitions for 100 rubles. The prices are shown in October 2011. You can get up-to-date information by calling +7 (812) 465-2024 (answering machine), +7 (812) 465-9424 (administrator) or on the official site.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tsarskoye Selo

The main thing that attracts crowds of curious tourists to Tsarskoe Selo is the famous Amber Room in the Catherine Palace. To admire it, most likely, will have to defend in a long queue. As you know, the original Amber Room, taken out by the fascists from occupied Pushkin, disappeared without a trace in Koenigsberg, before the entry of Russian troops into it. The restoration of the masterpiece took many years and required putting about 6 tons of amber into the business. But the palace itself is equally magnificent both outside and inside - which is only worth the grandiose Golden Suite of palace halls created by the Rastrelli project.

Everything, what visitors see today - the fruit of the titanic work of restorers, whose efforts after the Second World Palace literally rose from the ashes.

In the Catherine Park, which serves as a magnificent setting for a luxurious palace, many beautiful avenues, picturesque ponds and canals and remarkable buildings . Curious, for example, the history of the pavilion "The Hermitage" - its purpose was to spend time in a narrow circle, and so avoiding the obsessive presence of servants, a cunning system of ordering for lunch was developed . The slate board on which every guest wrote his wishes on the menu, went down to the kitchen for a rope . And after the meal left under the floor and the tables themselves, and the pavilion turned into a dance hall . Pay attention to the Grotto - the traditional decoration of the English landscape parks of the XVIII century, and the Turkish bath, exactly reproducing one of the Constantinople mosques . One of the symbols of Pushkin was the fountain sculpture "Girl with a jug" in the park a copy is installed, the original is kept in the Russian Museum . A magnificent view of the park opens from the Granite terrace, in front of which there is a colorful flower carpet .

The film about Tsarskoye Selo

The less grandiose but remaining, nevertheless , one of the the Alexandrovsky Palace attracts visitors with an exhibition of everyday objects of the royal family: personal belongings, dresses, toys of Tsarevich Alexei . It was here after the 1905 revolution that the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II resided permanently . During the fascist occupation the palace housed the Gestapo and the German headquarters, the basement became a prison, and the square in front of the palace is a cemetery for SS soldiers .In the Alexandrovsky Park of special interest is the Chinese village that arose as a result of the culture of the East . Continue the eastern theme of the Great Chinese Bridge of pink granite, the Dragons Bridge, the Cross Bridge and the Chinese Theater, of which, to this day, only Ruins .

@ You should definitely visit the Lyceum building in Tsarskoye Selo where young Pushkin was studying . At that time it was one of the best educational institutions in Russia and in the world . Now the building houses the memorial museum, opened to the 175- anniversary of his birth Alexander Sergeevich . In the Lyceum garden there is a monument to Pushkin-lyceist . Another place connected with the great Russian poet in Pushkin - a museum in the house of Kitaeva on Pushkinskaya street, . . @ , here he wrote "Onegin's Letter to Tatiana", prepared for publication "The Tale of Belkin" and "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" .

Photo by Pushkin (16)