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Priory Castle is one of the most unusual sights of Gatchina. The building located on the Black Sea shore was built in 1799 for the French Prince Conde. The Prior of the Order of Malta, who lost the lion's share of his possessions during the French Revolution, asked for help from Emperor Paul I. The ruler of the Russian Empire did not deny safe haven by building "monastic land ownership" for Conde Priorat.

To date, the Priory castle in Gatchina is the only The surviving structure in Russia, built using the technology of earthquake. The technique is noteworthy for the use of a loam impregnated with lime mortar at the construction site.

The Priory Palace is unlike the lush castles of the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Stylized to the Catholic monastery Priory is complemented by a high tower of wintry stone. The original building is separated from the surrounding world by a blank fence. For the construction of the castle, the author - architect N. Lvov - chose a secluded place.

The ascetic character is guessed not only in the guise of the castle, but also in the interior of the Priory. Only decorated ceilings serve as a decoration for the premises.

With the Priory Palace - as well as many other architectural monuments of Gatchina - there is a legend about the presence of an underground passage that supposedly connects the complex with the Gatchina Imperial Palace. And confirmation of these conjectures found: a stone tunnel tunnel was discovered during the restoration of the building. However, it is still unclear what its purpose is and whether it leads to the former residence of the monarchs. But most historians tend to believe that this channel is just one of Gatchina's communications.

In the Priory castle there is a clear refusal of symmetry, and there are no similar parts in style in the building. For example, the building in which the kitchen is located is more like a Russian hut, the main entrance is a rich manor, on the side of walls there is a fortress, and the southern side is similar to a Gothic chapel.

The Priory Palace served the Maltese Order for only one decade, then the castle was used only during the short visits of members of the imperial family. Under the empress Maria Feodorovna, the Priory was completely given up under the Lutheran church, and under Nikolai I. - under the generalship.

In the 20th century, exhibitions were held here, during the First World, the spacious rooms of Priorat were converted to a hospital. It is interesting that in the Great Patriotic War the Priory castle was practically not damaged. In Soviet times, it even housed the House of Pioneers. Today guests of Gatchina can see the palace in a restored form.

Address: st. Chkalova, Gatchina

 Priory Palace, Gatchina  Priory Palace
Priory Palace