The Leningrad Region is the most visited part of Russia by tourists . Here is a well developed recreation infrastructure for guests of all ages, including children . More than 100 children's camps of the Leningrad Region provide leisure for younger generation during school holidays . Many children's camps work not only in summer, but also in autumn, spring and even in winter . All of them are located in ecologically clean places, often not far from lakes and rivers . For example, many children's camps of the Leningrad region are on the Karelian Isthmus with its bordering coniferous forests and numerous transparent lakes .

Almost all Leningrad region children's camps are located in ecologically clean places, often near the lakes and rivers

All five children's camps in the Leningrad Region practice a five-time dietary nutrition system. Products are brought daily from local state farms. Thus, every day children consume a full set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growing body.

In the Leningrad region there are many thematic children's camps aimed at more detailed studying of languages ​​or the development of any sports skills . So, for example, the camp "ART-personality" devotes every shift to the study of the fundamentals of a profession: journalism, medicine, business, rescue, etc. . And the children's camp of the Leningrad region English City teaches children acting in English e . Children here participate in plays and productions directed by actors and directors of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts, communicate with teachers and students coming from the UK, USA and Canada in English .

In all children's camps in the Leningrad Region a system of five-time dietary nutrition is practiced.

In each child's camp a full-time psychologist, a security service, and a medical center usually occupy a separate building with the possibility of inpatient treatment and professional pediatricians and.

Counselors and nannies invited to work in children's camps, studied in specialized pedagogical institutions of higher education and have all the necessary knowledge for organizing children's leisure.

Every day an interesting entertainment program for children is painted. Quests, sports competitions, a variety of mugs, a library, dancing, swimming - there will be no time to miss the child. And, of course, it is indispensable to communicate children among themselves - new acquaintances in an atmosphere of independence will give a colossal experience to every child.